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Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I would like to start by saying that I will be splitting my time with my colleague, the member for Bourassa. It is a real honour and a pleasure to be talking about this subject here in this House today. Rising income inequality is one of the most striking and most important new characteristics of the 21st century economy.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I did not misspeak. It is the position of our party that we believe, like the late minister Jim Flaherty, that income splitting would increase income inequality and we are not in favour of it.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, absolutely, I think the Nordic countries provide some very important examples and lessons for us. Interestingly, if we look at market incomes before government intervention, they too have experienced an increase in income inequality among those countries, as my hon. colleague knows very well, and the IMF has cited in its research.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, today what we are talking about is future policies. As we have discussed, and we have heard some very good data cited today, income splitting has been supported and advocated by the Prime Minister, although it was opposed by the late minister of finance, Jim Flaherty.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, I think there is no dishonour in agreeing, sometimes, with my hon. colleagues in the NDP or in citing someone I think we all respected very much, the late Jim Flaherty. As I tried to argue in my comments, this is a phenomenon that has been going on for 30 years. The IMF found income inequality increasing over 30 years in 24 of 26 countries it studied.

June 10th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Human Rights  Mr. Speaker, this month Toronto will have the honour of hosting the WorldPride celebration. This is an essential moment for us all to assert that LGBT rights are human rights, and to establish Canada both as a world leader and a global haven on this crucial issue. My constituents understandably expect their Prime Minister to take part.

June 11th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

World Pride Celebration  Mr. Speaker, this month Toronto will have the honour of hosting the World Pride Celebration. My constituency of Toronto Centre will be at the heart of the festivities. We can be proud this landmark celebration will take place nearly nine years after gay marriage became legal across Canada.

June 17th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Dairy Producers  Mr. Speaker, it does seem cruel to be talking about Canada's excellent cheeses at a quarter to six. I got very hungry listening to the previous presentation. Having heard about the hon. member's great love for Canadian cows and Canadian dairy, I cannot resist sharing with the House the fact that I am not only the daughter-in-law of a dairy farmer but also a granddaughter of dairy farmers, and so I join everyone here in our support for our great dairy industry and the tremendous innovations that are happening there.

June 17th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Justice  Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Justice recently made remarks to the Ontario Bar Association that were so strikingly sexist that lawyers there described them as offensive. As one of the many mothers of young children in this House, I wonder whether the minister believes that we, too, should be intimidated by the old boys' network.

June 19th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Questions on the Order Paper  With regard to government funding in the province of Ontario, for each fiscal year since 2007-2008 inclusive: (a) what are the details of all grants, contributions, and loans to any organization, body, or group in the province, specifying for each (i) the name of the recipient, (ii) the location of the recipient, namely the municipality and the federal electoral district, (iii) the date, (iv) the amount, (v) the department or agency providing it, (vi) the program under which the grant, contribution, or loan was made, (vii) the nature or purpose; and (b) for each grant, contribution and loan identified in (a), was a press release issued to announce it and, if so, what is the (i) date, (ii) headline, (iii) file number of the press release?

September 15th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With respect to Canadian official delegations to Ukraine in 2014: (a) what are the names, titles, and affiliations of all persons who travelled to Ukraine as part of these delegations; and (b) what are the dates, file numbers, and titles of all documents prepared for or in respect of these delegations?

September 15th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to the administration of the Access to Information Act: for each institution subject to the Act, what are, for each year since 2006 inclusive, (i) the total number of requests received, (ii) the number of requests by institution that were subject to an extension notice, broken down by particular paragraph of subsection 9(1) of the Act, (iii) the reasons for the extension other than those indicated in subsection 9(1), specifying those other reasons?

September 15th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Employment Insurance  Mr. Speaker, Canada lost a staggering 112,000 private sector jobs in August. Over the past year, our working-age population has grown by 375,000, but only 15,000 new full-time jobs were created. The Conservatives' small business tax credit will make this dire situation worse by giving employers a perverse incentive to actually cut jobs.

September 23rd, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Canada-Korea Economic Growth and Prosperity Act  Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased, on behalf of the Liberal Party, to support this deal. We are going to be voting in favour of it. Canada is a trading nation. We understand that, as the 11th largest economy in the world, it is absolutely essential for Canada to be fully plugged into the global economy, and that means doing trade deals.

September 24th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Canada-Korea Economic Growth and Prosperity Act  Mr. Speaker, I will go through the member's comments one by one. First, on the facts with respect to Australia. The negotiations started in 2009 and the agreement was signed in April 2014, which is what I said. It was tabled in the Australian parliament in May 2014. Australia signed the deal before we did.

September 24th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal