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Canada-Korea Economic Growth and Prosperity Act  Mr. Speaker, I thank the parliamentary secretary for his remarks. I particularly endorse his point that opening up Canadian trade to Asia and opening up Asia to the Canadian economy is absolutely essential. As the House knows, the really big deal, which would cover 40% of the world's economy, is the TPP.

October 28th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Brain Tumour Awareness Month  Mr. Speaker, October is Brain Tumour Awareness Month in Canada. Brain tumours are an indiscriminate form of cancer, and increasingly, one of the most deadly. In the last decade, the mortality rate for a child diagnosed with a brain tumour has surpassed all other forms of childhood cancer.

October 29th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Employment Insurance  Mr. Speaker, notwithstanding the minister's talking points, the Parliamentary Budget Officer's numbers do not lie. The story they tell is that the government's EI tax credit will cost taxpayers $550 million to create a paltry 800 jobs, at a ridiculous cost of $700,000 per position.

October 29th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Questions on the Order Paper  With regard to negotiations in relation to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union: since January 1, 2012, what are the costs incurred in relation to travel by government officials from the current Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, as well as the former Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, to (a) Brussels, Belgium, or (b) any other European jurisdictions for meetings about the CETA, broken down by (i) department, (ii) individual, (iii) itemized expenses?

October 29th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, in an email last week referring to the Conservative plan for income splitting, the member for Durham said, “As a father of two amazing young children, I cannot tell you how excited I am.” There are a lot of proud parents of amazing kids in Canada, but very few—

November 3rd, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, I am using my big girl voice. There are a lot of amazing kids in Canada, and their parents are proud of them, but very few of those parents are paid $180,000 a year, as the parliamentary secretary is. How can he justify a policy which helps his family, but leaves behind 86% of Canadians?

November 3rd, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, the Governor of the Bank of Canada warns that we are facing a low or zero-growth jobs recovery. He said that over 900,000 Canadians are trapped in part-time jobs and 200,000 young Canadians cannot get work at all. Governor Poloz is “pretty sure these kids have not taken early retirement”.

November 4th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, according to the Bank of Canada, 200,000 young Canadians cannot get work. The situation is so dire, economists are joking that our central bank is following a grim new indicator: the kids living in their parents' basements index. In fact, it is so hard to get a job today that young people are being advised to work for free.

November 5th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Employment  Mr. Speaker, many young Canadians have given up looking for full-time work in the face of stagnant wages and a dire job market. According to the Canadian Federation of Students, 300,000 young Canadians are actually working for free. When we add together discouraged young job seekers who are forced to work part time and unpaid interns, we get an unemployment and underemployment rate of almost 28%.

November 18th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Holodomor  When I awoke Before the dawn, amid their sleep I heard My sons ...weep and ask For bread. Mr. Speaker, that is Dante's description of hell. That hell of starving children is what Stalin and his regime created in Ukraine in 1932 and 1933. This Holodomor was a deliberate genocide, designed to break the Ukrainian nation and to impose collectivization on a farming society renowned for its industriousness and powerful sense of community.

November 19th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With regard to government funding, for each fiscal year since 2007-2008 inclusive: (a) what are the details of all grants, contributions, and loans to any organization, body, or group in the electoral district of Toronto Centre, providing for each (i) the name of the recipient, (ii) the location of the recipient, indicating the municipality, (iii) the date, (iv) the amount, (v) the department or agency providing it, (vi) the program under which the grant, contribution, or loan was made, (vii) the nature or purpose; and (b) for each grant, contribution and loan identified in (a), was a press release issued to announce it and, if so, what is the (i) date, (ii) headline, (iii) file number of the press release?

November 27th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

International Trade  Mr. Speaker, the European Union and Ukraine have signed an association agreement that takes effect January 1, 2016. In the meantime, Europe has already eliminated most tariffs for Ukraine, a form of help equal to $635 million in aid. Canada and Ukraine are seeking a free trade agreement, but trade negotiations take a long time.

November 27th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

International Trade  Mr. Speaker, government delays in finalizing CETA are putting the agreement at risk. Last month, France's national assembly and senate both passed non-binding anti-CETA motions. This weekend, the leader of the NDP poured fuel on the fire, attacking this essential agreement at a socialist conference in Paris.

December 8th, 2014House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

The Economy  Mr. Speaker, last week the Bank of Canada said that low oil prices will “weigh significantly on the Canadian economy.” The bank acted on its grave concerns by lowering rates to an astonishing 0.75%, yet the Minister of Finance has the gall to pretend, as he has done today, that the Canadian economy is in “a good space”.

January 26th, 2015House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Questions on the Order Paper  With regard to all written questions on the Order Paper, submitted to date during the 41st Parliament, which received returns in the House of Commons from the government: (a) on what date was each question, with instructions to answer, forwarded by the Privy Council Office (PCO) to all relevant departments and agencies; (b) on what date did each department or agency receive and process the incoming request; (c) on what date did each department or agency return their respective answer to PCO; and (d) how many days did each department or agency require to complete each request for answer?

January 26th, 2015House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal