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International Trade  Mr. Speaker, our work on CETA removes all doubt as to our commitment to free trade. However, we promised to consult Canadians on the TPP. Our government has held over 250 consultations on the TPP. None of the member countries have ratified the TPP yet. We know that the Conservatives do not believe in public debate, but we do.

May 3rd, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, once again the Conservatives are trying to create a story where there is none. I have already listed the business meetings I held in California. However, unlike the Conservatives, who do not like the media, we understand it is our job to talk to the media at home and abroad.

May 3rd, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

International Trade  Mr. Speaker, once again, the Conservatives are trying to create a story where there is none. It is my job to promote Canada abroad. Since the opposition is so interested in this issue, I will repeat that they should keep in mind that it was their own former leader who spent $50,000 of taxpayer money to pay a consultant to find American interviews.

May 3rd, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, unlike the Conservatives, we know it is our government's job to promote Canada to the world. When I travel to promote Canada, I am proud to speak to the international media. Just yesterday, I gave an interview to POLITICO in Washington. As minister, I would like to list some of the other international interviews I have done.

May 3rd, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives continue to try to create a story where there is not one. I would now like to share with the House some details of the business meetings I had when I was in California. Here are some of the people I met with: James Haney, senior VP and general manager of City National Bank, recently acquired by RBC; Greg Foster, CEO of IMAX; Creative BC, and Trade and Invest BC, were there; John Chiang, the treasurer of the state of California; and Jeff Gorell, deputy mayor.

May 3rd, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, once again, the Conservatives are trying to create a story where there is none. It is my job to promote Canada in the United States. In fact, just yesterday, I was pleased to be in Washington for a trilateral trade meeting with my American and Mexican counterparts.

May 3rd, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives continue to try to create a story where there is none. The media appearances were part of the official visit, along with six business round tables. It is my job to promote Canada to the world. However, since the members opposite are so interested in this topic, let me remind them that their own leader, the former prime minister, spent $50,000 of taxpayer money to get himself U.S. media appearances.

May 3rd, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Questions on the Order Paper  Mr. Speaker, in response to (a), the softwood lumber agreement has been in focus since the Minister of International Trade assumed office on November 4, 2015. Negotiations and discussions between officials from Global Affairs Canada and officials from the Office of the United States Trade Representative have taken place on a routine basis.

May 3rd, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

International Trade  Mr. Speaker, we said during the election what we say today. Our party understands, profoundly, that Canada is a trading nation. We also understand that with a trade deal as significant as the trans-Pacific partnership, we have a duty to consult broadly with Canadians. In fact, the trade committee is currently in British Columbia consulting.

April 19th, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, unlike the Conservatives, who do not really like the media, I know it is my job to promote Canada to the world. In California, I appeared in the media with U.S. Senator Angus King of Maine and with Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom of California. I also spoke to the LA Times, which wrote a column about our economic policy, and I very proudly defended Canada's support for Syrian refugees, something I will do again and again.

April 19th, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, I have already answered that question, but since the members opposite are so interested in my promotion of Canada in California, let me talk about some of the meetings I held. I met with U.S. Senator Angus King of Maine. I met with the Lieutenant Governor of California, Gavin Newsom.

April 19th, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  As I have said, Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives are trying to concoct a story where there is none. Whether it is interviews with The Washington Post editorial board, the LA Times, BBC, or the many media interviews I did with German newspapers and with Bloomberg promoting CETA in Berlin last week, it is my proud job to promote Canada to the world.

April 19th, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, once again, the Conservatives are trying to concoct a story where there is none. It is my job to promote Canada around the world, and I am proud of that. Following the APEC summit in the Philippines, I was proud to go to California for a trade visit. As everyone knows, California is one of our largest trading partners.

April 19th, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

Ministerial Expenses  Mr. Speaker, once again the Conservatives are trying to concoct a story where there is none. It is my job to promote Canada and Canadian business around the world. Following the APEC summit in the Philippines, I was proud to visit California, one of our largest trading partners, larger than Japan, Germany, or the U.K., where I held six business round tables.

April 19th, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal

International Trade  Mr. Speaker, as the daughter of a farmer, I am proud of the support by our government for farmers. That has been manifested in our success with getting the discriminatory COOL legislation repealed, which is something that the previous government opposite failed to do. Our commitment to free trade is manifested in our hard work on CETA, which legal scrub we have completed.

April 12th, 2016House debate

Chrystia FreelandLiberal