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The Economy  Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition hid for eight weeks while he was trying to come up with an answer for us asking the wealthiest to pay their fair share so that we could invest in fairness for every generation. I think he needs to go back to the drawing board because his answer is completely illogical and unfounded.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Democratic Institutions  Mr. Speaker, on the contrary, we are working with our security and intelligence services so that we can provide secret, classified information to the provincial premiers to better address the very real issue of foreign interference. Our government has also created more mechanisms and institutions to counter foreign interference than any other government.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Democratic Institutions  Mr. Speaker, we just passed Bill C-70 in the House, with the support of the Bloc Québécois, and sent it to the Senate for further study. This bill will allow for more rigorous and regular information sharing with the premiers of the provinces and territories on issues of foreign interference and national security that involve them.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Forestry Industry  Mr. Speaker, the federal government has been responsible for protecting species at risk across the country for decades. When we need to protect species at risk, in this case caribou, we work with the provinces that have jurisdiction. We are looking at how to protect species at risk, as well as jobs.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Forestry Industry  Mr. Speaker, every day brings fresh evidence that the Conservative Party absolutely does not understand that the way to build a strong future is to marry the environment and the economy. We cannot build a strong economy without protecting the environment. That is exactly what we are doing.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, despite the Conservative leader's partisan attacks, the rise in capital gains inclusion rates is very simple. If Canadians make more than $250,000 in profit from selling investments in a given year, we are asking them to share a little more of those profits with Canadians who need those investments.

June 18th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Justice  Mr. Speaker, we have been investing in more protection for mosques, synagogues, places of worship, and community centres for years. We are going to keep working with police forces across the country to protect people. At the same time, we are going to underscore how important it is that all Canadians remember our values of respect, openness, tolerance and acceptance.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, one of the very first things we did in 2015 was to raise taxes on the wealthiest 1% and lower them for the middle class. I will recall that the NDP, at that time, actually voted against that measure. However, right now, we are putting forward a measure to ask the wealthiest Canadians, who make a tremendous amount of profits when they sell extremely profitable investments, to actually pay a bit more on those profits.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, I would remind the House that, in 2015, we raised taxes on the wealthiest 1% and lowered them for the middle class. At the time, the NDP voted against those measures. We are always fighting for the middle class and those working hard to join it. That is why we are asking the wealthy, people who make huge profits selling their investments, to pay a little more so that we can provide housing, dental care and more child care spaces for Canadians who need them.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, our price on pollution delivers more money to eight out of 10 Canadians right across the country with the Canada carbon rebate, and today there is an opportunity for everyone in the House to stand up and ask the wealthiest Canadians to pay a little more when they sell extremely profitable investments.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, for eight weeks, since we put our budget forward, the Conservatives have been incredibly careful not to say a thing about the capital gains rate we are raising. They did not want to talk about it for two full months, and today, when they are choosing to vote with the wealthiest Canadians and against young Canadians who need more housing, young Canadians who need a better break and seniors who need dental care, they are all trying to spin it in nine different ways.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Justice  Mr. Speaker, hate speech and anti-Semitism have no place in Canada. Our government is fighting racism and hatred like no other government has before by introducing the online harms act, with funding to strengthen measures to protect mosques, synagogues and places of worship, and with our plan to criminalize Holocaust denial.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, budget 2024 is rooted in the priority to deliver fairness for every generation. It is about asking the wealthiest Canadians to pay a bit more when they sell their extremely profitable investments. We will use that to invest in more housing for young people, more dental care for seniors and more child care spaces for young families.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, this is the same kind of justification the Conservative Party gave in 2015 when it voted against increasing taxes for the top 1% to lower them for the middle class. It is the same kind of argument it gave to vote against the Canada child benefit, which has lifted hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Taxation  Mr. Speaker, if it did not have real-world impacts on Canadians, it would almost be amusing to watch the Conservative leader tie himself in knots to try to justify voting in favour of advantages for wealthy Canadians when they sell really profitable investments. We are asking them to pay a little more so we can invest more in housing for young people to be able to have the same kinds of opportunities previous generations did.

June 11th, 2024House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal