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Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, how ironic it is to hear the member speak out against carbon pricing, because he was part of a government. He worked for Sam Hamad, a member of the government of Jean Charest, who is seen as a North American champion in the fight against climate change. Arnold Schwarzenegger once called Mr.

October 31st, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Small Business  Mr. Speaker, I would like to correct the information we just heard in the House. Canada is the first G20 country to have eliminated fossil fuel subsidies two years ahead of the 2025 schedule. We did that this year and we will go even further since we are also eliminating public support for fossil fuels.

October 31st, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, according to a recent study by the Public Policy Forum, “Offshore wind could be for Atlantic Canada what oil was to Texas or hydro power to Quebec.” It has said that this is “monumental”. The region could supply 6.5 million average homes twice the electricity currently consumed in Atlantic Canada.

October 31st, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, given the enthusiasm generated by the questions from our colleagues on the other side of the House earlier, several of us wanted to answer. I was unable to respond to the member for Portneuf–Jacques-Cartier who asked me what Greenpeace thought of my work as Minister of the Environment.

October 31st, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, there were $340 million in damages from storms in Ontario, over $720 million from wildfires in B.C., over $300 million from storms in Alberta and the Prairies and over $170 million from flooding in Nova Scotia. This is what climate change has cost Canadians just this summer, and these are insured costs.

November 2nd, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, I would like to correct something that was said in the House earlier this week. The Governor of the Bank of Canada said that, each year, carbon pricing contributes 0.15% to inflation, an effect he describes as “quite small” from one year to the next. This idea that carbon pricing raises the price of everything is a myth, and the Governor of the Bank of Canada says as much.

November 2nd, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, what exactly does common sense mean when several members of the opposition party are former members of the governments of Quebec, British Columbia and New Brunswick? Back then, those members spoke in favour of carbon pricing. Back then, they believed in climate change.

November 2nd, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, I am a big fan of Infoman. Last week's program featured a segment on half-truths told by the Conservative Party of Canada. Not once but twice during the program, Infoman found that a statement made by the Conservatives was false. The Conservatives say that carbon pricing has a 16% impact on inflation, but that is untrue.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, it is true that there is a coalition in the House: There is the Liberal Party of Canada, the Bloc Québécois, the Green Party and the New Democratic Party, who all believe that climate change is an existential challenge. The one party in the House that does not believe it is the Conservative Party.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Climate Change  Mr. Speaker, if my hon. colleague bothered to actually listen to the commissioner of the environment and sustainable development's press conference he would have heard him say—and these are his words—that the plan we presented last year is the best plan to fight climate change in the history of this country.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, last week, after asking what my former Greenpeace colleagues thought of my work, my hon. colleague changed his mind and asked what Equiterre thinks. I have here for him a quote from Équiterre about our climate change action plan: “this is the first time that we have such a detailed strategy to reach a target that we have set.”

November 7th, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

The Environment  Mr. Speaker, I thank my hon. colleague for her question. As we know, oil is the dirtiest and most expensive form of heating. Moreover, it has seen the biggest price jump over the past year. Obviously, that is because of everything that is happening on the world markets. Our heat pump program aims to save every family that installs a heat pump $2,500, on average, across the country.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, I am a Liberal and proud socialist, but this reminds me of when Prime Minister Harper talked about the fight against climate change as a socialist plot. That is what the Conservative Party thinks. Here it is. We have it again. Conservatives do not believe that climate change is an issue.

November 7th, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, what the Leader of the Opposition is saying in the House is factually incorrect. The facts are as follows: We have had the best performance in greenhouse gas reductions since 2019. We have a plan that has been applauded by environmental organizations, research organizations and municipalities.

November 9th, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal

Carbon Pricing  Mr. Speaker, unfortunately, what the Leader of the Opposition is saying is still factually incorrect. We have not missed any of our targets. The only target we have is for 2030. Canada has missed many targets because, for 10 years, the Conservative Party did nothing to fight climate change.

November 9th, 2023House debate

Steven GuilbeaultLiberal