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Human Resources committee  One thing we have to remember is that the right thing to do is to hire, to provide opportunities for everybody. It is our responsibility to ensure that the work environment is inclusive. This is just a statement. There are a couple of things, particularly for private business. Small and medium-sized enterprises are less equipped and they have fewer human and financial resources to accommodate, it's true.

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns

Human Resources committee  I cannot say exactly, but I think in B.C. there was one particular demonstration project that was based on looking at longer term or prolonged income support for people with disabilities who had full-time jobs, to ensure that they would not be caught between the gaps, between the silos, when anything happened to their employment.

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns

Human Resources committee  Sorry, I did not hear what you said.

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns

Human Resources committee  Probably, but I don't know. I cannot answer that right now.

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns

Human Resources committee  I don't have all the data now to respond to your question. I'll try to give you the framework, and at a later time I can provide it. The main challenge for people with disabilities is in the transition between being off work and going back to work. Very often people with disabilities are the last to be hired and the first to be fired.

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns

Human Resources committee  Thank you. It's probably one of the most crucial questions. The silos are coming not only from the government, but the silos, unfortunately, are also coming from research organizations, from service organizations, from any sector that you take, from particular sectors that develop and deliver the service, such as education, employment, housing, etc.

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns

Human Resources committee  I will not be able to answer for the whole disabled community, but I am very glad the Council of Canadian with Disabilities will be part of the next panel. I absolutely support the previous statement. There are a number of aspects and they are clearly identified in the convention and the supporting documents.

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns

Human Resources committee  Good morning and thank you for this opportunity to share our view, to share the work of many people in Manitoba and in Canada and around the world. I'll just start with a couple of words about the Canadian Centre on Disability Studies, because this is quite a unique organization.

February 28th, 2013Committee meeting

Olga Krassioukova-Enns