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Public Safety committee  Thank you for the question. Well, I guess I should be clear that my expertise is primarily in the aviation and transportation area. That being said, I spent 37 years flying airplanes in hostile environments, so how I've applied this same sort of thinking to the threat environment we find ourselves in is that we have to capture any and all pieces of information that will help us reach our destination safely.

March 26th, 2015Committee meeting

Matt Sheehy

Public Safety committee  Yes, thank you for the question. For example, one of the amendments in this new act is to basically review what people are saying publicly. So if you're out in public promoting terrorism, then under this new legislation that will become a criminal event. I've talked to several of my associates in the policing agencies, and generally front-line type people, but I've also spoken to some commissioners as well.

March 26th, 2015Committee meeting

Matt Sheehy

Public Safety committee  Thank you. I'll read my statement, sir. I would like to thank the chair and the members of the committee for inviting me here today to testify. The last time I appeared as a witness here in Ottawa was back in 2002, just a few months after the terrorist attack on 9/11. I was in front of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence as the chair of the security committee for the Air Canada Pilots Association at that time.

March 26th, 2015Committee meeting

Matt Sheehy