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Science and Research committee  As I said a little earlier, applying for a grant in French puts an applicant at a disadvantage from the start, since the application is not as well regarded. Also, since the evaluator at the granting council sometimes overestimates their own level of bilingualism, they can have trouble grasping the subtleties of French and understanding the description of the research project properly.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  I am going to start answering and then let Ms. Villeneuve finish. I think we have to begin by reviewing our immigration services to ensure a certain level of speed in processing applications. At present, in the academic world, the delays are infinitely long when it comes to the administrative red tape associated with international students, and this regularly prompts people to go and study elsewhere.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  Earlier, I gave an example of the kind of support the service to assist research in French will offer. That service is a kind of single window that the entire community, and researchers who want to do research in French, will be able to use. For Acfas, this service is an absolute priority, to the point that we decided to launch it before the government of Quebec offered us our first grant.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  The answer to that question is simple: yes, absolutely. All societies are asking themselves the same question. I think the transformation that is going to take place in the next few years in terms of methods of dissemination may be going to create new opportunities for reviving activities in various languages, like French.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  I would say that my colleague's answer really points to an important element of the solution. There has to be a real commitment throughout the educational program. It was mentioned earlier: French thinks differently and has its own vocabulary, so people need to have access to knowledge in French, regardless of the field.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  We do not have figures to give you on that point, unfortunately. However, I really do want to stress the fact that the convergence toward English is happening in a lot of countries and the difficulties in publishing in a language other than English do not just exist in Canada. There are virtually no more journals published in Italian, in Spanish, in German or in Japanese.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  The government could certainly do a better job of supporting the journals financially, ensuring that they publish several issues, promoting them, and thus creating a dynamic community in French. I think that is part of the duty of the government of Canada.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  Mobilizing the international francophonie must absolutely be part of the strategy, yes. That is a way of creating a much larger community that has French as a shared language. In fact, we are very skilled when it comes to collaborating. As Ms. Lamoureux said, there will very probably be an event in Quebec next April that will be about the production and promotion of research in French.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  I would like to point out that we are not talking just about small institutions, since what we are describing also applies to a researcher at the University of Toronto who teaches in the French Studies Department.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  Thank you very much. That is kind of you. It was noted earlier, and I said it at the start of my presentation: funding for scholarly journals enables them to exist, to flourish and to engage in promotion; that is one thing. However, we also have to think about doing more to support scientific activities in French and the organizations that initiate them.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  I am going to begin answering the question and then let Ms. Pelletier finish. The purpose of the service to assist research in French, or SARF, is to offer services to the research community in minority language environments. For example, a researcher at an anglophone institution who is doing a study of French and the use of that language in their region has to have the questionnaires and the research proposal translated in order for their institution to be able to submit them to one of the three granting councils.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  This has to be incorporated into the Act and then the resources that are needed have to be provided. We talked about better...

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  The decline affects health sciences, natural sciences and engineering. In fact, it affects health sciences the most, because there is virtually nothing in that field. In natural sciences and engineering, there are still a few bilingual journals, but that is all. It is really in those fields that there has been a major loss.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault

Science and Research committee  I am going to let Ms. Pelletier answer your question. She specializes in this subject and she is responsible for the aspects relating to Canadian francophone at Acfas.

October 3rd, 2022Committee meeting

Jean-Pierre Perreault