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Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, when is a right to a housing framework not a right to housing when it is a framework? Contrary to what the member alleged in the House, it is simply not fact. This is what Leilani Farha, the United Nations Special Rapporteur, actually said: is impossible to have a human rights based housing strategy that does not recognize the primacy of the right to housing as a legal right subject to effective remedies.

September 27th, 2018House debate

Linda DuncanNDP

Human Resources committee  For all six projects, I've been part of a team of researchers that included academics, independent researchers such as Cameron Crawford and John Stapleton, and various service providers and organizations. The clients have been Employment and Social Development Canada, two SSHRC grants and the federal/provincial/territorial persons with disabilities advisory committee.

December 6th, 2018Committee meeting

Adele Furrie

Aboriginal Cultural Property Repatriation Act  Madam Speaker, thank you. I will only speak very briefly. I really want to rise in support of Bill C-391, an act respecting a national strategy for the repatriation of indigenous cultural property, mainly to explain why I handed my spot to the member for Cumberland—Colchester so this could pass quickly through this place and go to the next place before the next election.

November 28th, 2018House debate

Nick WhalenLiberal

Public Safety committee  In the RCMP, my particular responsibility is here in Ottawa as the assistant commissioner in charge of contract and aboriginal policing. My compatriots here are Assistant Commissioner John Ferguson in K Division, Alberta, as criminal operations officer for the province, and Peter Tewfik, officer in charge of crime reduction strategies.

October 16th, 2018Committee meeting

Assistant Commissioner Byron Boucher

Indigenous and Northern Affairs committee  The Stó:lo Nation reached out to the Minister of Natural Resources about the crown consultation report to share their concern that the Canadian representative left them to believe that the report to the Governor in Council “will be a summary” of what is being heard during its consultations with aboriginal people “with some commentary”. It states: The Stó:lo went on to observe that “[a] high level of consultation means more than simply gathering information on aboriginal interests, cross checking those with the Terms and Conditions of the project and reporting those findings to the federal decision-maker.”

September 7th, 2018Committee meeting

Rachel BlaneyNDP

Human Resources committee  Mr. Morrissey, if I can add before further discussion, the reason that it was felt to be inadmissible is that there's no context to the definition of aboriginal people anywhere else in the bill. It is much broader than what is—

November 7th, 2018Committee meeting

The Vice-Chair

Canadian Heritage committee  When we do this research, as we have been doing in the GRASAC project, it illuminates the different ways that aboriginal cultural property has left communities over the course of four centuries, in the case of the Great Lakes region. I brought a few images. I hope to show you how important these things are and the ways in which they have been collected.

October 2nd, 2018Committee meeting

Dr. Ruth Phillips

National Defence Act  Mr. Speaker, if my French were a bit better, then we would not need the interpretation, but I am working on it. I do want to clarify something I was saying just before question period. I mentioned the situation regarding the Truro police officer Catherine Campbell and I referred to her as “Christine” Campbell, not “Catherine” Campbell.

October 1st, 2018House debate

John BrassardConservative

Canadian Heritage committee  We couldn't even get anybody. That's a problem in Saint John—Rothesay, so folks in my community aren't aware of the rich indigenous history of Saint John—Rothesay. The intent of the bill is to help facilitate the repatriation of indigenous cultural artifacts, including, as per subclause 3(b), by encouraging the owners, custodians and trustees of aboriginal cultural property to return such property to the indigenous groups where they rightfully belong.

October 2nd, 2018Committee meeting

Wayne Long

National Defence Act  Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to rise today to speak about Bill C-77, to enact military justice reforms. They say that imitation is the best form of flattery. The government of the day has taken into account many of the proposals that were in Bill C-71 from the previous government, with the exception of adding a couple of things.

October 1st, 2018House debate

John BrassardConservative

Business of Supply  These are some anecdotes from the John Howard Society. A formerly homeless addict went to every agency in town, filled in every application, and because the John Howard Society worked with him, even when he was homeless, it made all the difference.

September 27th, 2018House debate

Sheila MalcolmsonNDP

Justice committee  My office in Kenora covers a substantial territory in the north. We participate in circuit court. Each week, roughly, we attend remote aboriginal reservations by squishing into cigar planes and crossing our fingers in the hopes that we land through the fog and ice sometimes. It is well known, sadly, that aboriginal peoples are overrepresented in our justice system.

September 24th, 2018Committee meeting

Laurelly Dale

Canadian Heritage committee  Thanks for that. My riding is Saint John—Rothesay. It's in southern New Brunswick. It's a riding in a city that has a strong indigenous heritage but a very small indigenous population. How can a national action plan for the repatriation of aboriginal cultural property be designed in a manner than ensures that more non-indigenous Canadians learn about indigenous history, indigenous rights, and the process of reconciliation?

October 18th, 2018Committee meeting

Wayne Long

Foreign Affairs committee  Good afternoon. It's a great honour and pleasure to be here to meet you. I'm a sort of recovering public servant, or a retired public servant who has fashioned himself into a so-called Arctic expert in the last few years. I'm not an international lawyer, so I can't speak with the certainty that some of my colleagues do.

October 17th, 2018Committee meeting

John Higginbotham

Business of Supply  Mr. Speaker, like others before me I want to express my personal sympathy to the family of Tori Stafford. It must be very difficult for them to listen to this debate and what has gone on before, because in some respects it is reliving what is every parent's most horrific nightmare.

October 2nd, 2018House debate

John McKayLiberal