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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was conservatives.

Last in Parliament August 2018, as NDP MP for Outremont (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 44% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Ethics June 4th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, the scandal had been in the news for three months when the Prime Minister ordered the members of his caucus, including Mike Duffy, to reimburse their illegal expenses. Mike Duffy refused, but a week later he accepted. He changed his mind and said he was going to reimburse.

What did the Prime Minister's staff say to Mike Duffy to get him to change his mind and accept to reimburse?

Ethics June 4th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, why then did the Prime Minister, last week, deny instructing any members of his personnel to settle the Mike Duffy matter when he gave that order with that personnel present in the room at a caucus meeting in February of this year?

Ethics June 4th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, were members of the Prime Minister's staff present when he ordered his caucus to repay their illegal expenses? Were members of his staff present, yes or no?

Ethics June 4th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, can the Prime Minister confirm that he ordered his caucus to repay their illegal expenses that same day?

Ethics June 4th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, on what exact date did the Prime Minister first speak with Mike Duffy about his expenses?

Ethics June 4th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has said that he did not find out about the payment from Nigel Wright to Mike Duffy until May 15.

However, yesterday his cabinet colleague, Marjory LeBreton, said, “On the 14th of May...the Prime Minister had dealt with it.”

Who is telling the truth?

Ethics June 3rd, 2013

Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the Senate concluded that Senator Duffy had billed taxpayers for campaign work for and on behalf of the Conservative Party during the most recent federal election campaign.

Did other Conservative senators do the same thing?

Ethics June 3rd, 2013

Mr. Speaker, Canadians want an answer from their Prime Minister.

However, if he will not answer, I will ask the minister a question he knows the answer to.

Marjory LeBreton is a member of the Conservative cabinet. Did Senator Marjory LeBreton recuse herself from cabinet anytime the Senate expense scandal was discussed?

Ethics June 3rd, 2013

Mr. Speaker, on what specific date did the Prime Minister first speak with Mike Duffy about his expenses?

Ethics May 29th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, what has the Prime Minister learned from the audit of Pamela Wallin's expenses that led her to resign from the Conservative caucus?