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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was conservatives.

Last in Parliament August 2018, as NDP MP for Outremont (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 44% of the vote.

Statements in the House

The Budget March 19th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, with the Conservatives, it is one step forward and two steps back.

The Minister of Finance relaxed the mortgage rules and then backtracked. He committed to balancing his budget by 2015 but then he backtracked. He made the provinces responsible for job training and then, without any consultation, he backtracked.

How much is this so-called financial genius's bureaucratic indecision going to cost Canadian taxpayers this time?

Canada Revenue Agency March 19th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, his project includes the export of 40,000 Canadian value-added jobs. We will keep standing up for Canada.

Mr. Speaker, supposedly, the Minister of Finance has finally decided to crack down on tax havens. What a charade.

According to the estimates tabled recently in the House, the Canada Revenue Agency's budget will be cut by close to $100 million.

Can the Prime Minister tell us how the Canada Revenue Agency is supposed to do more work with fewer resources?

Canada Revenue Agency March 19th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Finance has failed to reassure Canadians that the government is doing everything it can to crack down on tax havens. He even refused to allow the Parliamentary Budget Officer, Kevin Page, to study the issue. However, now that the Canada Revenue Agency has revealed that it has identified over 8,000 offshore tax cheats, the Conservatives seem to be singing a different tune.

If the Conservatives have finally listened to the NDP's calls to crack down on offshore tax havens, will this week's budget give the Canada Revenue Agency the resources to actually do the job?

Ethics March 18th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, will that, then, continue to plead for the export of 40,000 Canadian jobs to the U.S.? We will stand up for Canadian jobs.

Elections Canada is still investigating the fact that the outgoing minister illegally accepted almost $19,000 from an airline and $5,500 from a construction company, yet he continues to claim he did nothing wrong. Peter Penashue said he only became aware of this because of the CBC, pleading, in effect, also his own incompetence.

Despite the protests of the ex-minister that he did nothing and he has resigned, will Conservatives allow Elections Canada to finish?

Ethics March 18th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, his Canada includes Tom Flanagan.

Ten years ago today, their Prime Minister, who was the leader of the official opposition at the time, was in Washington extolling the virtues of the war in Iraq. That is not fierce loyalty.

The former minister of intergovernmental affairs resigned after admitting that he received illegal gifts from companies, but he has still not taken responsibility for this matter.

Saturday, Peter Penashue said that he did nothing wrong. Accepting illegal gifts from companies is a serious violation of the Canada Elections Act.

Can the Prime Minister explain to Canadians why Peter Penashue did not really resign?

The Economy March 18th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, when the Conservatives came to power, Canada was number one on the UN development index. For the first time in the history of our country, we are not even in the top 10.

The NDP is proposing practical solutions to create jobs and ensure stable economic growth.

The Conservatives ignored the impact of the latest fiscal cliff in Washington. They also ignored the lowered economic growth forecasts and the impact their austerity measures have had on the most vulnerable members of society.

Will they start listening to Canadians or will they continue to listen only to Tom Flanagan?

The Economy March 18th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, I am sure that is quote.

Here are some facts. There are 300,000 more Canadians still unemployed today than before the recession hit. Today we have a $66.9 billion trade deficit, and there was a surplus before the Conservatives arrived. That is the real Conservative record.

The Conservatives' last budget failed to implement a meaningful job creation strategy, and they continue to gut the manufacturing sector. Now we hear that the government is planning to cut funding to the provinces for skills training.

When are the Conservatives going to take real action to get Canadians back to work?

The Economy March 18th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, with each new Conservative budget, the Conservatives' well-connected friends benefit, while time after time the priorities of Canadians are ignored.

The Prime Minister has not listened to Canadians. He is plowing ahead with cuts to pensions, health and EI, while gutting environmental legislation along the way. He is ignoring the serious threats facing our economy.

Will this budget once again be filled with corporate giveaways for the Conservatives' buddies, or are they going to start finally doing something for the average Canadian?

Correctional Service Canada March 7th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, the Correctional Investigator of Canada is sounding the alarm. Over the past six years, the number of aboriginal inmates has increased from 14% to 23% of the prison population. Aboriginal Canadians are seven times more likely to be incarcerated than non-aboriginals. The rate of recidivism is also much higher among aboriginal inmates.

The investigator confirmed that there has not been any significant progress made in finding alternative reintegration approaches. This has been a complete failure.

Why is the Prime Minister not taking this first nations crisis more seriously?

Status of Women March 7th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, when the Prime Minister is not in the House, other ministers are responsible for answering questions from the party leaders on his behalf.

Since the day the members of the NDP did me the honour of choosing me to be the leader of the official opposition, I have asked a total of 115 questions when the Prime Minister was not in the House. In 112 of those 115 cases—98% of the time—a man has answered me on the government's behalf. That is 112 out of 115 times.

Why does the Prime Minister not trust his female cabinet ministers to answer on behalf of his government?