International Trade Committee, on April 22, 2010
- David Plunkett, Chief Trade Negotiator, Bilateral and Regional Relations, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Alexandra Bugailiskis, Assistant Deputy Minister, Latin America and the Carribbean, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Carol Nelder-Corvari, Director, International Trade Policy Division, Department of Finance
International Trade Committee, on April 27, 2010
- Luis-Guillermo Plata, Minister of International Trade, Republic of Colombia
- Walter Navarro, President of SINPRO, Union of Antioquia's Industrial Workers
- Gaëtan Lavertu, Former Canadian Ambassador to Colombia, As an Individual
- Rebecca Lee, Director, Representative of the Colombian Association of Flower Growers, CENIFLORES
- Excellency Jaime Giron Duarte, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia to Canada, Embassy of the Republic of Colombia
International Trade Committee, on April 29, 2010
- Yessika Hoyos Morales, Lawyer, Human Rights, As an Individual
- Gauri Sreenivasan, Policy Coordinator, International Trade, Canadian Council for International Co-operation
- Carlo Dade, Executive Director, Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL)
- Jean-Michel Laurin, Vice-President, Global Business Policy, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
International Trade Committee, on May 4, 2010
- Carl Potts, Director of Market Development, Pulse Canada
- Murad Al-Katib, Board Member, Pulse Canada
- Denis Lemelin, National President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers
- Mark Rowlinson, Labour Lawyer, Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers
- Jan Westcott, President and Chief Executive Officer, Spirits Canada / Association of Canadian Distillers
- CJ Hélie, Executive Vice-President, Spirits Canada / Association of Canadian Distillers
International Trade Committee, on May 6, 2010
- Paul Moist, National President, Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Robert Blackburn, Senior Vice-President, SNC-Lavalin International, SNC-Lavalin Inc.
- Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International
International Trade Committee, on May 11, 2010
- Mauricio Ferro, Head, Technical Knowledge and Learning Centre for Cerrejón Coal Mine, As an Individual
- Tania Hallé, Field work coordinator, Coordination team, Project Accompaniment and Solidarity Colombia (PASC)
- Stephen Benedict, Director, Department of Human and Trade Union rights, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
- Andrew Casey, Vice-President, Public Affairs and International Trade, Forest Products Association of Canada
International Trade Committee, on May 13, 2010
International Trade Committee, on May 25, 2010
- James Harrison, Associate Professor, School of Law, University of Warwick
- Nazih Richani, Professor, As an Individual
- Dawn Paley, Journalist, As an Individual
- Steven Shrybman, Partner, Sack Goldblatt Mitchell, As an Individual
International Trade Committee, on June 1, 2010
- Matthew Kronby, Director General, Trade Law Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Pierre P. Bouchard, Director, Bilateral and Regional Labour Affairs, Department of Human Resources and Skills Development