Good morning. I am Scott Wright, the response readiness manager with the Western Canada Marine Response Corporation. We're the certified response organization on the west coast. Thank you for the opportunity to talk to you about responder immunity.
By way of background, we'll talk a little bit about two significant incidents that happened both in Canada and in the U.S. in the late 1980s. Certainly the Exxon Valdez in Valdez, Alaska was a significant event that involved cross-border resources, people and equipment responding to that spill. As well, there was the Nestucca, which happened on the west coast of British Columbia. That also involved cross-border resources, people and equipment working on that spill.
In 1993, there were amendments to the Canada Shipping Act that gave us limited responder immunity, so it gave the response organizations that immunity.
In early 2000, there was a rewrite of the Canada Shipping Act. In error, there were some words left out that sort of took us back in time and the responder immunity was not available to our potential U.S. mutual aiders and responders.
Part of our annual preparedness activities involve exercising with our U.S. counterparts, both in Alaska and in Washington state.
During those exercises, a significant amount of time is used up looking at how to resolve the responder immunity issue, rather than working on the incident itself and moving on and working on what we would do during those incidents together.
So it certainly does detract from the purpose of the exercise to work together on what the response would look like.
The fix, as has been discussed, is the amendments to Bill C-3. It's currently before the commons committee and this should correct the issues. However, Bill C-3 also needs to be taken a bit further. We believe it should also take into account umbrella legislation where we have responder immunity when there's a ship not present.
We have the resources to respond to marine incidents, whether it comes from a pipeline, rail, or a truck, and we believe we should be granted responder immunity if those events occur. We also support recommendation 22 of the tanker safety expert panel. We also support the recommendation from the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources, which calls for the umbrella legislation for responder immunity.
That's my opening statement. I can take questions at your convenience.