Thank you, Mr. Chair, senators, and MPs, for allowing me to come and provide some comments to you today.
Across the Prairies, farmers are once again suffering the impacts of poor rail service. Unfortunately, this is not a unique experience. We dealt with it four years ago, and that's why I am here today: to ask the committee to back the systemic solutions that can fix rail transportation for the long term.
Grain Growers of Canada represents 50,000 grain, pulse, corn, oilseed, and soybean farmers across Canada, from the Atlantic provinces to the Peace Country of British Columbia.
Personally, I run a family-owned incorporated grain farm in south central Alberta, near Olds, growing wheat, malt barley, and canola. Grains off my farm are shipped south to the U.S. and to Mexico, and shipped through the west coast to ports in Asia and around the world. Effectively, every tonne of grain I sell off my farm must travel by rail to get to the end customer, be it in Canada, the U.S., or overseas.
Over the last couple of months, because of poor rail service, elevators are filling up and our grain is not able to get to our customers. This situation has put many farmers across the Prairies in the position where, because their own grain hasn't moved, they haven't been able to get paid.
We appreciate that this committee has recognized the difficult position this has put grain farmers in and has agreed to hold this hearing today. We believe that transportation is not a partisan issue and that all members of the committee should be able to agree on the need to have a rail transportation system that works. That is why we're asking you to come together and support getting Bill C-49 amended as we've presented it and passed as quickly as possible.
As has been mentioned, the unfortunate reality is that road bans and seeding are fast approaching. I will quickly just give a bit more information on road bans. Every 10 loads of grain I can haul today without the road ban would mean 13 trips the next time, once the bans are in place. That costs me more money in manpower for that trucker, and naturally it costs more for fuel. Farmers will have to use their skills as business managers to work through the difficult position they have been put in due to these new issues.
However, there is an opportunity to fix this situation for the long term so that farmers are not forced into a rail crisis again. With the amended Bill C-49 in place, the industry will have effective tools to hold the railways to account or to be able to take their business to another railway if they cannot get acceptable performance.
I know you've heard of the problems farmers face today, and that is why there is a focus on Bill C-49. First and foremost, the bill provides the ability to hold the railways financially accountable for the service through reciprocal penalties. The current lack of accountability impacts all the players in the supply chain, and ultimately farmers. Giving shippers the ability to hold railways to account through the reciprocal penalties in Bill C-49 will help ensure that car orders are fulfilled and my grain can get delivered.
Other benefits of Bill C-49 include a clear definition for “adequate and suitable service”, increased requirements for reporting and railway contingency planning, improved data collection, and new powers so that the Canadian Transportation Agency can play a larger role in areas such as improved dispute resolution processes.
However, it is important to understand where Bill C-49 falls short.
First, the maximum revenue entitlement, or MRE, is a key tool for protecting grower interest, and it needs to be amended to cover the movement of soybeans. I understand that when schedule II was created in 2000, soybeans were not really grown yet on the Prairies; however, soybeans are now a major commodity. They are the third-largest crop in Manitoba and soon will become second. Their production is spreading across Saskatchewan and Alberta as growers get new varieties. The act also excludes chickpeas, which should be corrected. It is simply unfair that some producers are protected, but not all of us are.
The real benefit of Bill C-49 is the long-haul interswitching, which gives shippers the ability to take their business elsewhere if they can't get acceptable service. Grain farmers saw improved service when interswitching was in place previously; often the threat of taking their business elsewhere was enough to get the railways to improve service.
However, as the bill is written today, too many elevators and too many processors will be excluded from long-haul interswitching. This means farmers will likely be put in the same situation of grain being backed up in their bins the next time one railway starts to suffer.
That is why the second target amendment that Grain Growers of Canada supports is to amend the provisions for long-haul interswitching so that it can remain a very useful tool for our grain companies to obtain more competitive terms of service.
Bill C-49's long-haul interswitching provision allows some of the same benefits as the previous extended interswitching; adoption of the amendments proposed by the crop logistics working group will ensure that oat and other grain farmers will receive the service they require.
Grain farmers across Canada have worked hard to provide the world with top-quality grain, oilseeds, pulses, and corn. We strongly support the government's ambitious target to increase agrifood exports to $75 billion by 2025, but this can only be achieved with a dependable and accountable rail transportation system. We can't meet our target if we can't get our grain to market.
The bottom line is that this year's repeat of the 2013-14 rail crisis is another example showing that we need to see Bill C-49 amended and passed as soon as possible. While it may be too late to see significant improvement this year, Parliament has an opportunity to give shippers the tools they need to prevent this situation from happening again. CN and CP have demonstrated time and again that they will not act on their own, and that is why shippers need tools to hold them to account. Without these legislative tools, we know it will happen again. It shouldn't take a farm crisis to get the grain moving.
I thank you and look forward to your questions.