Look, the government has been very clear on this issue, and I'll answer any questions the Ethics Commissioner has.
More seriously, Mr. Chair, thank you for giving me the floor. It's an honour to be back. I have to apologize to members of the committee for having to depart almost mid-sentence last time. There were many points that I had only started to make, and I know people were looking forward to my wrapping up those points the last time. I think I only talked for about 10 hours at that time, so now I have occasion to bring some of those points to a conclusion. The only reason I could not continue the next day was that I had an event I had committed to long in advance, an event at Queen's Park in Toronto. That's why I wasn't here. Since then, I've been trying to get back on the speakers list, but my colleagues have been hogging all the glory here, to quote Ajax from Troy. So now that I have the floor, they're not getting it back, whether they like it or not.
I think it's important to recognize that we have the opposition House leader here, and I really appreciate that. It shows the level of engagement that our caucus has with this issue in general. This is something that we are very much committed to in our party, namely, strengthening the role of individual members of Parliament. That's what this is about. It's not just about the balance that exists between parties. It's also about the role of individual members of Parliament.
I have to say, looking across the floor at some of the Liberals we have here at the committee, that we have some new members who are already very strong in their understanding of the importance of members of Parliament expressing some degree of individuality. I want to recognize Mr. May's excellent private member's bill. It was a private member's bill that he proposed, that all Conservatives voted for, and that passed as a result of the support of the opposition. I think New Democrats supported it as well. The cabinet did not support it, but he proposed it. Many members of the government supported it, and it went through to committee.
That's just an example of the importance of members of Parliament. We're engaged in this conversation around ensuring that there's unanimity of the parties in the study, which will proceed in order to ensure that we actually could protect the role of members of Parliament.
We need to understand that this is not just a fight for a particular party, not just a fight for the opposition. It's actually a fight that should matter to individual members of Parliament on the government side, members of Parliament who have good proposals that may not reflect what the government has in mind.
Our chair had an excellent private member's bill on FASD that I was very pleased to support. Actually, we had people on the front bench who opposed that bill, from both the government and the official opposition. Yet it almost passed because of the support of individual members of Parliament who were talking to each other, saying this was a good initiative, a good bill. Maybe there were some details that could be worked out at committee, but fundamentally it was a good bill.
One of the concerns I have with the government making unilateral changes to the Standing Orders...and by the way, if they don't like the direction that members of this committee want to take with respect to the study, they can pull you right off this committee and put somebody else on. That's something that permanent members of PROC know or should know. It's actually not up to you. The way our system works right now, who sits on this committee is entirely within the control of your whip. Even if individual members sitting here on the Liberal side think they could be reasonable and listen to what the opposition is saying, unless we pass this amendment, which deals with unanimity, unless we have this clarified in the language going forward, it's really only up to the government whip to decide the outcome. Any time the whip doesn't like the proposals or opinions from government members with respect to the Standing Orders, that's it. You can't actually express your individuality on the committee in the same way because of that constant threat. This is something that on the opposition side we're very aware of—the risks and problems.
I recognized Mr. May on his excellent private member's bill. I know Mr. Bittle voted in favour of Wynn's law, which was a great private member's bill that was brought to the House by Mr. Cooper. It was initially put forward in the Senate, but it was sponsored in the House by Mr. Cooper. There was a lot of advocacy that went on around that. The entire opposition supported that bill, and it was able to pass to the next stage because of a number of members of the government who realized it was a good bill and stood up to support it.
I can mention the genetic discrimination bill, on which I think almost the entire government backbench voted against certain government amendments that would have gutted the bill, and then in favour of the bill.
These are important moments in the life of this Parliament, when some individuals in particular, and especially on the genetic discrimination bill almost the entire government backbench, stood up. Sometimes it doesn't seem like the government backbench does, but in certain moments we do see this, an actual appreciation that, yes, good ideas do come from the opposition and also that as members of Parliament you have a critical role to represent your constituents, to advocate on behalf of your own considered judgment with respect to issues, and not to simply go along with the direction that you've been given from on high.
Changes to the Standing Orders that don't reflect the judgment of the entire House, that don't reflect the wisdom of all parties, put in jeopardy the position not just of the opposition, not just of the Conservative Party, but the position of individual members of the government. When we have these conversations as an opposition party, of course we're cognizant of the fact that, hopefully, we'll be in government one day soon. It's looking more and more like it will be after the next election, in light of some of the things that are happening. But whether that's after the next election or the one after that, the rights that we protect in this process will also protect those members of the government caucus, let's say, who are not, in the formal sense, part of the government.
These are important points that need to be made, and I hope that members of the government, even if they can't necessarily, for political reasons, come out and say in this committee, “All right, we agree with you; let's pass this amendment and move on”, hopefully they'll at least take this back to the government House leader, to their caucus, to their Prime Minister, and say, “We have an important role, too, in this place. This isn't just about being a backdrop for the Prime Minister. This is about representing our constituents in a constructive and meaningful way.”
This is a critical part of what we're engaged in. I invite government members to really reflect on that, to consider supporting this amendment as individuals, and to make the case back to their party. Not only would approving this amendment allow us to proceed in a constructive direction, but it would also be a way of actually preserving those rights that members of Parliament from all parties are supposed to have.
There's one thing I want to read into the record as we explore this question. This is from Discover Canada, which is the study guide for people who are looking to become citizens of Canada. It talks about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. I think it's a great document. It talks about parliamentary democracy and what the principles that need to animate parliamentary democracy are.
I don't think this debate is about a possible end of democracy in Canada. I don't, but I do think that this debate is about the strength of our parliamentary institutions, and really, the ability of the government to move us away from our traditions of responsible parliamentary democracy towards a sort of reimagined quasi-presidential system in which we do have elections every four years, but effectively, in between elections all of the power is with one person, the prime minister. That's not what our system is supposed to have. Of course, presidential democracies around the world do have other kinds of checks and balances, but especially in a parliamentary democracy, where you don't have the same kinds of external checks and balances to that centre of power, it is important that you not allow that centre of power—the prime minister, the prime minister's office, and perhaps, by extension, the whip—to suck all the power in. You need to make sure that Parliament maintains its strength.
I'm not going to read the whole thing, but this is from page 28 of the citizenship guide where it talks about parliamentary democracy:
In Canada's parliamentary democracy, the people elect members to the House of Commons in Ottawa and to the provincial and territorial legislatures. These representatives are responsible for passing laws, approving and monitoring expenditures, and keeping the government accountable.
Right off the bat, we don't see discussion in this guide.... I think it's quite right in saying that members of the opposition are responsible for approving and monitoring expenditures, and keeping the government accountable. It actually says, “these representatives”, all members of Parliament, us as well as members on the other side of the table. We are responsible for doing all of these things, for passing laws, approving and monitoring expenditures, and keeping the government accountable.
Cabinet ministers are responsible to the elected representatives—
Hey, that's a thought.
Cabinet ministers are responsible to the elected representatives, which means they must retain the “confidence of the House” and have to resign if they are defeated in a non-confidence vote.
Maybe we need to have a footnote here that says this is how we want it to work. It goes on to say:
Parliament has three parts: the Sovereign (Queen or King), the Senate and the House of Commons. Provincial legislatures comprise the Lieutenant Governor and the elected Assembly. In the federal government, the Prime Minister selects the Cabinet ministers and is responsible for the operations and policy of the government.
The buck is supposed to stop there on decisions of the government. I'm ad libbing; that's not what it says. It doesn't use language that informal.
The House of Commons is the representative chamber, made up of members of Parliament elected by the people, traditionally every four years. Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister and serve until age 75. Both the House of Commons and the Senate consider and review bills (proposals for new laws). No bill can become law in Canada until it has been passed by both chambers and has received royal assent, granted by the Governor General on behalf of the Sovereign.
Living in a democracy, Canadian citizens have the right and the responsibility to participate in making decisions that affect them. It is important for Canadians aged 18 or more to participate in their democracy by voting in federal, provincial or territorial and municipal elections.
This is a pretty simple and straightforward but positive description of what a parliamentary democracy is.
Sometimes we need to pinch ourselves and remind ourselves of the kind of basic civics grounding on which we are supposed to be standing. It is one in which members of Parliament are elected by their constituents directly. In fact, it was only relatively recently that party names appeared on ballots at all. Before, yes, people had affiliations with political parties. Those political parties were very important in terms of support, but you still had to rise or fall within your own constituency purely on the basis of your own name. If people wanted to vote for the candidate of a particular political party, they had to at least know the name of that candidate in advance. This is the structure of our system, one in which members of Parliament have the—yes, I say relatively recently; it was before I was born. Lots of things happened before that.