Thank you so much, witness Ram.
I'm going back to the minister.
Minister, “nothing without us” means that this needs to be income tested on individuals. These benefits are because we have an ableist society, where persons with disabilities do not have the same access. I totally understand what witness Ram is saying. This is the traditional, long-standing method. We need a modernized approach to income supports for persons with disabilities not just in this area but also for the disability tax credit. It's very medicalized right now. I ask that you look at opportunities to modernize. Take a look at my bill, Bill C-422. It has already been tabled. It's been on the table for a week. This is what people are asking for. This is what it looks like to champion rights for persons with disabilities.
I'm going back to my initial question around the $250 workers' rebate.
Could the minister answer what specific steps she took to fight for persons with disabilities with respect to the $250? Then, go back to whether there is a mechanism in the Accessible Canada Act for continuous improvement of things that might not be working or for additions that need to be added.
Thank you.