Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023

An Act to correct certain anomalies, inconsistencies, out-dated terminology and errors and to deal with other matters of a non-controversial and uncomplicated nature in the Statutes and Regulations of Canada and to repeal certain provisions that have expired, lapsed or otherwise ceased to have effect


Senate bill, now waiting to be considered in the House, as of June 19, 2024

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This is from the published bill.

This enactment is the 13th in a series of bills introduced under the Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment (MSLA) Program. It amends 58 Acts and three related regulations to correct errors in grammar, spelling, terminology and punctuation, erroneous cross-references, archaic wording and discrepancies between the English version and the French versions. It also updates the designation of professionals and the name of a tribunal. For example, it changes the name the Review Tribunal to the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal to reflect the operational name of that tribunal. Other amendments correct the names of courts in certain provinces to reflect changes resulting from the reorganization of the courts in question. Finally, it repeals three provisions from Acts that no longer have any application, for example, the repeal of section 12 of the Department of Transport Act .
This enactment has been drafted based on the Twenty-First Report of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights tabled in the House of Commons on February 12, 2024 and the Twenty-First Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs tabled in the Senate on December 12, 2023.
The MSLA Program was established in 1975 to allow for minor non-controversial amendments to be made to a number of federal statutes at once, in one bill, instead of making such amendments incrementally when a particular statute is being opened for amendments of a more substantial nature.
The legislative process for introducing an MSLA bill in Parliament is different from the usual legislative process and involves four main steps: the preparation of a document containing the proposed amendments; the tabling of that document in Parliament and its review by a committee of each House; the preparation of an MSLA bill, based on the committees’ reports, that contains the proposed amendments that were approved by both committees; and finally, the introduction of the bill in Parliament.
The proposed amendments must meet all of the following criteria:
(a) not be controversial;
(b) not involve the spending of public funds;
(c) not prejudicially affect the rights of persons;
(d) not create a new offence or subject a new class of persons to an existing offence.
The document containing the proposed amendments is tabled in the Senate and referred to its Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs and in the House of Commons and referred to its Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. Each committee reviews the proposed amendments in the document, prepares a report of its findings and presents it to the appropriate House.
Perhaps the most important feature of committee review is that, since a proposed amendment must not be controversial, its approval requires the consensus of the committee. Therefore, if a single member of a committee objects for any reason to a proposed amendment, that proposed amendment will not be included in the MSLA bill.
After committee review, an MSLA bill is drafted based on the reports of the two committees and contains the proposed amendments that were approved by both committees. Once the bill is introduced in Parliament, it is subject to the ordinary enactment procedures.


All sorts of information on this bill is available at LEGISinfo, an excellent resource from Parliament. You can also read the full text of the bill.

Bill numbers are reused for different bills each new session. Perhaps you were looking for one of these other S-17s:

S-17 (2013) Law Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2013
S-17 (2004) Law Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2004
S-17 (2004) An Act to amend the Citizenship Act
S-17 (2003) Canadian International Development Agency Act

The Speaker Greg Fergus

I have the honour to inform the House that a message has been received from the Senate informing this House that the Senate has passed the following bill, to which the concurrence of the House is desired: Bill S-17, an act to correct certain anomalies, inconsistencies, out-dated terminology and errors and to deal with other matters of a non-controversial and uncomplicated nature in the Statutes and Regulations of Canada and to repeal certain provisions that have expired, lapsed or otherwise ceased to have effect.