My response at this time, to be entirely candid, is that with what we do we don't have a clear path as to how to get them out. The humanitarian, the vulnerable individuals and the people at risk are some of the most difficult at this time to be getting out of Afghanistan. A lot of them don't have documents, and they don't have an enduring relationship with the Canadian government. The agreement that Canada has with the United States with respect to individuals being evacuated and creating a path, with the Department of State writing those referrals, would certainly be something I could see as a tangible solution.
My understanding is that not all of these individuals have gone through the Department of State right away. They aren't in the U.S., and the U.S. isn't just sending them to Canada. These are individuals who are still getting their families out of Afghanistan; they're individuals over in Turkey or intermediary countries, a.k.a. lily pad countries. It's not that it's just for people who are at some sort of intermediary country and might be safe for the moment. I believe that this 5,000 agreement, which I believe is full at this time, which was specific to humanitarian and vulnerable individuals and targeted groups and minorities, is the best ticket for them to get out of Afghanistan. Perhaps we can hardwire it to make it more geared to getting individuals out of Afghanistan right now, rather than pulling them from intermediary countries.
I hope I answered your question.