We never compare ourselves with other countries, and we appreciate what the government is doing for other countries, as with the Ukrainians. As I mentioned earlier, my own family has been affected, as well as being victims of the Russian war. My two uncles and two aunts were killed. I can feel their pain. We appreciate what's being done for Ukrainians.
The only thing is that every one of us is mentioning the same thing, that we want to be treated the same as those from other countries. Why was our process stopped immediately as the one for the Ukrainians' was started? There is no backup plan. There is no plan B or anything for us. Since January nothing has been done on our applications. In a matter of weeks thousands of Ukrainians with very minimal requirements were brought here to Canada and resettled. We have appreciated that and we do appreciate that, but at the same time, Afghanistan should not be forgotten as it has been.
For two or three weeks we have been meeting with the media and having hunger strikes, and still it hasn't worked. It hasn't touched the IRCC or Immigration yet. We were expecting them to at least show us that they are doing something, at least show us in one way or another, but instead they are updating their website, making it harder and harder for us to sponsor our families.
As of this morning when I was reading the website, they said that interpreters will have to pay their expenses when they arrive here, or for their travel, which has never been free, but we understand that. They can get a loan.