COMPAS is recommending that all overtime costs be considered infrastructure and that they be paid for by government. It gets back to the funding question and who should be paying for services. We are in a situation where our dollars are tight and we have some challenges. As a result of some of those challenges for service, we've had some of these concerns raised through the COMPAS report. It's one way of dealing with it. I ultimately think the decision is about who should be doing the services and how it should be funded. If government is going to fund it, then that's a decision you make. If it's going to be done through contracting out, then I'm not sure it's appropriate for government to fund on a contracting out basis.
Those are decisions that have to be made before we can move this issue forward. It's really a funding issue. A lot of those issues are driven because of the dollars that have been available for our inspectors to do their work. Can there be some efficiencies through using the private sector? Perhaps there can, and I'm not ruling that out.