Thank you. That's quite the analogy.
I'll address three very quick points, I guess, recognizing the time and the interests of the parties at the table.
On the first issue, of whether this will go on in perpetuity, I would just bring it to the attention of the committee that very early on we committed ourselves to learning from every other country that had gone through BSE. We wanted to figure out what they were doing that would be helpful to Canada, to get us to where we needed to be as quickly as possible.
In that regard, I think it's important for the committee to realize that, globally, as far as BSE management is concerned, the situation in the early nineties was this: in excess of 30,000 animals were found per year. And last year, although not all countries have finished their reporting, on a global basis less than 260 cases of BSE were found. So for anyone to say that the measures we're implementing will not achieve....
The timeframes can differ, depending on the intensity of your measures, but to say that we're not going to get this disease under control, either in Canada or internationally, is certainly not accurate. That five-year, ten-year projection....
All of our legislative efforts, all of our surveillance programming, all of our feed issues have always been associated with an automatic three-year review in terms of where we are, what we have achieved, and what we still have to do. That commitment remains in everything we're doing.
On the testing of all animals at slaughter, again, that has been looked at. I think we've been on record, with the packing houses themselves and those who saw that certainly as an advantage to getting into certain markets, that we were not obstructive to that process. If industry wanted to undertake to do testing for market purposes...although not for food safety purposes, because testing is not a food safety measure. No test of an animal can be deemed to be absolute in its entirety. So we would not divest ourselves of doing the SRM removal--from a human safety perspective, because from a public health perspective, that's the measure that guarantees you food safety—on all animals. The animal might never even have been exposed to BSE, but that way you're not potentially missing a single animal, whereas in testing, again, there can be human error. No test method can be 100%.
But we always had it on the table, with some of the new packing houses in particular who saw Asia as a potential market, that we would work with them; that we would define the testing standards that would have to be met; that we would make sure that the country they would be exporting to, if that was a corollary of their opportunity to access that market, was in agreement to industry doing that testing as a way of getting into that market. But we never wanted to confuse consumers into thinking that the testing of an animal guaranteed BSE safety. That was a mistake that was made in other jurisdictions. It resulted in further consumer confidence being lost in international market push-back. We have seen in Japan the moving away from testing of all animals at slaughter to a subgroup. Europe continues to look at those issues as well.
Again, I think testing is a tool. It's important for surveillance. It's important that we do testing to demonstrate how effective our measures have been. But it's not a panacea, and it comes with its issues as well.