I'm not challenging. It's just a comment.
Moving on, some of the comments you make are about the PROs, and most years.... I should preface this by putting on the record that I also am a farmer, but all of my farming career of 30 years was under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Wheat Board. Having lived through that—“lived” being the operative word—I think that I as well as Mr. Anderson have the common advantage of being able to pass a little judgment on what we actually received on our farms for our wheat and for our barley that went through the Canadian Wheat Board. Very seldom was it any higher than what the PROs were announced to be.
I have a couple of questions related to your comments. One is about the relevance of the whole argument about selling into Ontario. Very little wheat, I believe, comes off the prairies and ends up in Ontario. That would be one quick question needing just a simple answer.
In your comments, you say:
CWB's entire board of directors believes very strongly...that any criticism of the CWB should be based on fact....
I also agree that any support of the board should be based on fact. I like to think we've been very factual about the statements we've made.
I can't help but go back and wonder, when we see the kinds of letters that came to the board—in response to invitation, I'm sure—what a wonderful seller the Canadian Wheat Board was. I always like to go back to where I get the best deal too. I think that begs the question, how good a deal did they get? How poor a deal did Canadian farmers get?
I know we can't divulge those numbers. I want to share with you one question I asked of Stats Canada at committee this morning about sensitive factual numbers that Stats Canada uses in developing a trade strategy for Canadian companies. I asked, “What numbers, what sales figures do you get from the Canadian Wheat Board? Do you get actual, factual numbers to base all of your Stats Canada planning for the future on, for Canadian trade?” They said all they ever get is average numbers. That's pretty irrelevant to Stats Canada and pretty irrelevant to what we need as a value-added industry in this country.
My question to you, Mr. Arason, is this. At the time of your appointment the press was suggesting you were being paid more than your predecessor—a great job of negotiating, I guess. Can you share whether that is correct? And if so, and if you continue longer than you perhaps had thought you might to begin with, how is this compensation going to compare with Mr. Measner's?