Thank you, Mr. Bilodeau.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman.
Essentially, I will explain our document, beginning at page 8. I think the page number is the same in the English version. Yes, that is correct. I will give you a summary.
We started by analyzing the trends in total net farm income for Canada and, of course, for our province, Quebec. On the following pages there is a comparative analysis with our neighbours to the south, the Americans, to see what they are doing and what we can learn from them. I can say that, when it comes to any lessons that we might learn—and this goes along with Mr. Friesen's earlier comments—money is not the only factor when it comes to establishing net farm income; we also need business and industrial strategies. These strategies should be regional or provincial, rather than always applied on a Canada-wide basis. Strategic alliances are more likely to develop at a regional level.
I will now turn to page 8. When it comes to income security, in an open-market context, unfortunately, there is a higher concentration of consumers. I am referring to processors or the food distribution network. This leads to pressures that drive down profit margins which then results in a steady drop in farm income.
As Mr. Bilodeau said, the UPA is actively working to strengthen our collective system. This involves bringing producers together to provide them with more clout in the marketplace. This would involve a correction of the situation by stepping up the process to give power back to the producers within the group.
Turning to the statistics, on the top right-hand table, you will see a red and blue line. The red line represents dollars expressed as a constant, which means that the figures do not account for inflation. The blue line represents current dollars. We can see that income in Quebec was relatively stable from 1990 to 2006. In 2007, there is a sharp drop. We might wonder why that is. Essentially, it is because of additional energy costs, as well as the rise in the Canadian dollar, which hit our income levels like a shock wave. Why is that? Because our commodities are priced in American dollars. The currency conversion represents a drop in income for all sectors.
There is the same trend in Canada, but net income has dropped more rapidly. That can be seen on the table at the bottom of the page.
Based on that context, as I said earlier, on page 9 we have a comparison of the Canadian and the U.S. trends. On the first table on the right side of the page, the black line illustrates U.S. farm income from 1980 until today. We can see that the Americans are currently experiencing record net incomes while in Canada, we are also setting records, but we are going in the opposite direction.
We also calculated the net income minus inflation. We used Statistics Canada data: never have there been such low net incomes in Canada, when inflation is not taken into account. I believe that Statistics Canada began collecting this data in 1926. I would say that this situation is catastrophic. If we consider what is happening with our neighbour to the South, there is an even greater cause for concern.
The other table, directly under this one, is even more worrisome because it is more structural, in other words, it sets out the issues as they relate to the competitiveness of Canada's agricultural sector. The black line illustrates the U.S. farm debt from 1980 to the present day, in other words, the debt over assets. We can see that the Americans, after having experienced a crisis in the 1980s, have bounced back and are now in an unprecedented situation in terms of their debt. The U.S. businesses are in excellent financial health. In Canada, debt has reached a record level. This is also quite alarming. What happens when a net income crisis continues year after year? Farms go further into debt, which has enormous ramifications in terms of our competitiveness.
What does the vertical red line mean? It coincides with the change in the vision or approach to Canadian agricultural policy in the mid-90s, when a decision was made to let market forces apply and structural elements in our agricultural policy were dismantled. The results were far from positive for agricultural producers, in fact, it was quite the opposite. On that, I support what Mr. Friesen said earlier: it involves more than simply increasing subsidies or whatever, we need an agricultural policy that will give some leverage to the agricultural sector—I repeat, agricultural sector—so that the farms can regain their financial health.
The graph in the lower left-hand corner shows the trends in working capital ratio. There has been a rapid drop in Canada, whereas in the United States, there was a dip in 2002 but there was an immediate correction. There again, their situation is much rosier.
The UPA has worked closely with the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and other provincial members in order to find a solution by developing a strategy to improve the net income. The UPA wholeheartedly subscribes to the positions expressed by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture.
What we were asking for, essentially—and I would like to thank the minister for the decision that he made a few weeks ago—is the re-establishment of a business risk management component which would make the program more predictable and improve farm management.
As to our other objective, if we want to change the trend that I spoke of earlier, then it is essential to have federal funding for provincial programs so that each province can then adopt its own strategies to re-establish profitability and acquire more market share. As Mr. Friesen said, these strategies can vary according to each province.
We would like a return to livestock insurance for diseased animals. Moreover, we need a better strategy to manage catastrophes, which can be quite damaging. Current programs do not work well for managing catastrophes because that was never their intended purpose.
I will give you a specific example that involves Quebec, namely, the golden nematode. Some farms have been hard hit; their crops were completely wiped out. The existing program known as CAIS worked well for some farms but was of absolutely no help to others. This led to a feeling of unfairness and frustration among farmers. Of course, we must recognize that supply management can be used to manage risk.
My conclusion can be found on page 11 of our brief. If farms are to become profitable once again, then it is essential to have companion programs and to reinvest in provincial programs so that strategies can be devised. That is the only way that we will make it. Thank you.