Thank you. Bonjour.
Welcome to Penticton and the Okanagan Valley. It is a pleasure to see you out here. As Ernie said, we're really pleased that you've taken the opportunity to come around the country and hear the views of producers.
I'm the executive director of the B.C. Agriculture Council, which is the province's general farm organization. We represent over 12,000 farmers and ranchers in B.C. through their membership in the council. This includes probably the great majority of farm organizations in B.C., and the great majority of the farm cash receipts' value in the province is represented through our council.
We have a formal submission, which I've prepared, and also a submission that we've made to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada on the agricultural policy framework. We weren't able to get it translated in time for the presentation today and we apologize for that. But I talked to the clerk earlier, and we will provide a copy of it and a translated version to you that he can circulate to all the committee members. We apologize for not being able to get it done in time for today; time constraints didn't allow it.
I want to give a quick overview of the agricultural and agri-food industry in B.C., just so that you understand it. We're a part of a cluster that produces and generates products that have a value of over $35 billion in revenues. We employ more than 290,000 people. We account for 2.3% of the provincial GDP and 14% of the provincial workforce.
At the primary level, which we represent, we have annual sales, or farm cash receipts, of over $2.5 billion in B.C., and that continues to grow. We are a growth industry and we employ directly, at the primary production level, more than 35,000 people.
While the industry in B.C. generally remains optimistic and positive, we have faced a significant number of challenges in the past year, some of which you've heard about, which have affected producer incomes and stability in the industry. This includes the serious drought situation in the Peace River area and the central interior, low market returns in some sectors—tree fruits, raspberries—as a result of pressures and the impact of imported products and low prices coming into the B.C. market, very significant issues around invasive plant species, and quarantine and disease and pest issues, as was mentioned earlier. The ongoing impact of BSE for market recovery in the cattle sector continues to provide significant challenges for the B.C. industry.
But we do have a real potential for growth. We have 13% of the Canadian population, yet we at this point count for only 7% of national farm cash receipts and about 8% of food and beverage manufacturing shipments. We see real opportunities for growth within B.C., but it's important to note that while we remain optimistic and look at the opportunities for growth, this is all against the backdrop of some disturbing trends, which I'm sure you've heard about and are aware of, around realized net farm income continuing to decline and farm profitability being on a continuing downward trend. I'm sure you've seen the numbers and the figures across Canada that impact this. That's why the agricultural policy framework discussions that are currently going on are so important to the future of the industry, in both B.C. and in Canada.
We have some major constraints to our growth in B.C. There are the increasing pressures of government and societal goals of environmental and food safety requirements, which at this point add cost to producers, but we haven't seen those initiatives add returns to producers. It's been a situation of adding cost at the farm level but not yet seeing the incremental returns in the marketplace for the benefits of this environmental programming and food safety programming at the farm level.
There are the increasing pressures and costs related to farming in the rural-urban interface, B.C. farms in the urban shadow. It's important to note that the majority of our farming and 81% of our farm cash receipts are produced in 2.7% of our provincial land area, and that same 2.7% is where 81% of the B.C. population resides. I'm talking about the Fraser Valley, the Okanagan, and Vancouver Island. So we farm in the urban shadow, and to do that provides tremendous challenges and costs to B.C. producers.
And there is continued uncertainty about the outcome of international trade negotiations on marketing systems and market development, and the ability to provide domestic support is a constraint and a challenge to growth.
As I said, we've developed a submission to Agriculture Canada that outlines the views and ideas and concerns of our member organizations regarding the policy direction in the next agricultural policy framework. It's attached as an appendix to our submission and details all the areas of the APF. I just wanted to make some general comments about the APF.
We support the need for increased emphasis on strategic investment in the sector, to move away from the continued reliance on risk-management programming. We believe that elements of the Canadian farm bill proposed by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture around the three pillars they're talking about provide a good framework for that. We strongly support the emphasis on increased strategic investment in the sector, as I said, to move away from the continued reliance on a risk-management program. We think there needs to be greater integration of the pillars of the framework. We know that the framework needs to be developed in full consultation and in a full partnership with industry. We think B.C., particularly given the unique nature and the diversity of our industry, can play an important role in the development of the framework.
With respect to risk-management programming, you've heard some of the comments already. We support the need for the continued reform of the CAIS program. We do need a program that's predictable and bankable and flexible enough to accommodate regional differences and needs. We support the current direction of the NISA-like components in the top tier of the CAIS program in order to meet some of those objectives. We feel that's, as Ernie said, a good step in the right direction.
We support the recently approved framework for a disaster relief program, and we urge the federal government to move forward in full consultation with industry towards implementation of the program. We support the current direction of enhancements to production insurance for edible horticulture and the inclusion of the livestock sector in production insurance, in full consultation with those sectors.
With respect to environmental policy and programs, as you may know, we continue to proactively support and lead the delivery of the environmental farm program and the national farm stewardship program in B.C. We hope that the emphasis will remain on this program in the next policy framework, and we urge direction to ensure that there is a smooth transition between the current agreement and the next policy framework so that we don't lose the momentum and the good work that's been done in that program to date.
We support the continued development of policy for recognition of ecological goods and services, which must have the flexibility to address the unique regional differences in environment, habitat values, land values, and approaches to environmental management in B.C. The types of programs, for example, that have been talked about in the prairies--the ALUS-type model and other things you've heard about--don't work here. So we need regional flexibility to make sure that the type of programming fits our unique industry and the unique nature of the environmental issues in B.C.
I wanted to make two quick comments on a couple of other areas while I have the chance. One area is transportation policy. In recent years we've seen an erosion in the reliability of rail shipments that feed ingredients to the B.C. livestock industry. The current labour issues with CN, which are affecting delivery, are something that really needs to be addressed. We think the federal government needs to work with the livestock and feed industry and the railway industry to deal with issues of reliability of service and to ensure priority for the feed industry, which is facing very significantly increased costs currently, as a result of those labour disruptions. We need to get to the point where we're not facing that uncertainty and risk in the future.
With regard to the renewal of the Fisheries Act, we were part of a coalition that recommended changes for amendments to the legislation. We hope that the review process will continue for this legislation and that there will be a recommitment to consideration of the amended legislation, because it really needs a good look at, and it has a significant impact on our industry. We supported the fact that a new bill was tabled, but we are disappointed that it's currently being “hoisted”, or whatever the term is. We hope there's a recommitment to getting back to looking at that piece of legislation.
Again, thank you very much.