Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
My name is Eric Butters. I ranch with my family about an hour and a half from here, west of Cochrane.
I appreciate the opportunity to visit with you this close to home, and thank you for the opportunity.
We recognize the value of the standing committee in providing input to the rest of government concerning our issues.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your stance some time ago on the supplemental import permits. It has always been a trade irritant for us. We recognize that we have the negotiated access, with something like 67,000 metric tonnes. That figure had nearly doubled for a number of years, causing us all kinds of grief and aggravating some of our other trading partners.
We have an issue now where we expanded slaughter capacity, as a result of the BSE situation. This highlighted how vulnerable we were with respect to slaughter capacity. Now we have that capacity, but we're running at under 70% utilization rates. So to allow supplementary imports in again would exacerbate this problem even more.
With respect to business risk management, we realize that risk is an inherent part of agriculture, including the cattle industry. We're able to manage a number of risks through diversification, private insurance, and other means. But we acknowledge that government programs play a role in risk management, particularly in exceptional circumstances.
We've just been through and are sort of clawing our way out of the last of the particularly exceptional circumstances with respect to BSE. We believe that normal income fluctuations are the responsibility of producers and that the normal ups and downs in the marketplace are something we accept and realize we have to deal with.
Any program should be as market neutral as possible and thereby minimize the influence on business decisions. Programs should not alter the competitive balance within industry regions or sectors and should allow industry to be driven by clear market signals. Programs must be structured to minimize the risk of foreign trade and should be as transparent and predictable as possible.
So these are the principles that the Alberta Beef Producers and our national affiliate, the Canadian Cattlemen's Association, feel are appropriate for managing these sorts of situations. However, we think a top priority in ag policy should be developing a national disaster program framework, which would be timely, consistent, and assist producers facing major disasters, such as floods, huge droughts, and border closures. The programs should define the disasters to be covered, set out funding parameters, establish governance for the program, and provide as many program details specific to the disasters as possible.
We recognize the improvements to CAIS that have come our way in the last while. There's probably still a ways to go. We don't want CAIS to provide a disincentive to producer risk management, and we don't want it to lead to trade reactions, if it's too far into the red box, as was mentioned earlier today.
With respect to the enhanced feed ban, we support its objectives: to speed the eradication of BSE and to open trade with our international customers. The feed ban, the infrastructure and operational costs associated with the implementation, and the competitive disadvantage that our producers and processors will face with respect to the U.S. industry as a result of the enhanced feed ban—
We welcome the federal and provincial funding that was provided to address these issues. We also applaud the Alberta government for being one of the first provinces to sign the specified risk material disposal funding program with the federal government. We believe the funding should be directed towards offsetting infrastructure and operating costs for processors and renderers. That appears to be the way it's going.
Regarding trade, in my notes I have what I think you've been provided, in which we talk about the situation with Korea.
The trade implications are far broader than just the Korean situation. We're continually faced with barriers to trade in the form of tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers. We really feel it's important that the federal government do everything it can to reduce trade barriers and allow us access to marketplaces all over the world.
Competitiveness issues. The Canadian beef industry faces tremendous challenges in trying to remain competitive with our counterparts in the U.S. Our producers are challenged by the productivity of feed grains, and I want to talk about that one and highlight that one for a minute. We see, in the U.S. particularly, a continual increase in the yield of corn. There's a huge amount of research, private and public, that goes into corn yields, and we've seen corn just take off. I think they've doubled the yields in the last 12 or 15 years. We have seen no such response in Canada. In western Canada, where barley particularly and to some extent feed wheat are our important feed components for the livestock sector, the yield on barley and feed wheat has just flatlined, and it has been flatlined for the last 20 years.
So our competitors in the States are benefiting from this surge in production, and we're missing out on that. We're fearful that part of that has to do with just basic research, and part of it probably has to do with regulatory burdens and bureaucracy that's slow to allow the implementation of better varieties.
Biofuel policies and incentives are creating a government-supported competitor for acres. We realize that with the technology that exists today, for every three acres or every three bushels of feed wheat that goes into ethanol, one acre or one bushel comes back out as a byproduct that's useful to the livestock sector, particularly the cattle sector. However, that is cold comfort for many of us.
When you think, Mr. Thompson, that if you give me $3 and I give you $1 back, and you keep giving me $3 and I'll keep giving you $1 back until you get tired of it, that sort of explains how we feel about this thing. We certainly don't want to rain on the parade of the grain sector. The grain sector has struggled for a long time, and I'm surprised they're as vibrant as they still are. So clearly the grain sector needed a boost. But in the long term, we're very fearful of having to compete with the taxpayers to buy inputs for our sector.
Mr. Chairman, I don't know if I've used up my 10 minutes.
Thank you, and I'd be happy to answer questions as things proceed.