For example, last Saturday I organized the Alberta Young Farmers' Forum at our annual general meeting, so I think it's definitely having that connection or that association of young farmers together. Last year we had 12 members and this year we have 50 members, so we're definitely hoping to continue that. If every province has a young farmers' association connected to the Canadian Young Farmers', then we can have $8,000 to spend on a yearly basis. I spent half of that just trying to get our AGM right now, but I think we could definitely take it a step further and spend twice that money trying to get three times the people and get a higher calibre of speakers, who can really offer critical information to the farms, to go through the steps of succession planning.
This weekend we had Mr. Reg Shandro, who works with Meyers Norris Penny, and he does his own consulting. He does the presentation for FCC on succession planning and whatnot, so the information he gave us in the hour was wonderful, but we need the full day to learn and to be there with our parents and to recognize the important issues that need to be brought up. A lot of it does get personal. Our family has five daughters, so if some of my sisters don't want to farm, is it fair—? Essentially, of course, it's up to my parents to make that decision. As the eldest, I'm very involved and passionate about the agriculture industry. What role do I have? Of course, I'm always going to keep that farm connection, but I think the best way is to provide opportunities for us young farmers to get together to learn, to ask the hard questions, and to make things happen. That's really what it comes down to. I think another benefit of our being together is that we'll share experiences and we'll think of new ways to approach and talk to our parents. That's the best way to approach that.
Again, do farmers have time or do they have the money to come or to pay? That's another challenge. On Saturday, I charged $30 for them to come because I wasn't out to break even; I had that $8,000 I could have spent.
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