Thank you Mr. Chairman.
Thank you for coming. Since yesterday morning, I have been listening to you talking about your problems and your expectations with regard agriculture, namely drought, flooding, dumping, the new generation, imports, BSE, apples, cherries, corn, wheat, barley, potatoes, cattle, production insurance, supply management and risk management. However, you have never offered any concrete solutions to these problems.
Mr. Thompson indicated earlier that too many people work in the Department of Agriculture. If that department cannot suggest solutions, I would like you, who work out there, on dry land as we used to say at home in Quebec when I was young—my father, my grandparents and my great-grandfather were farmers—to give me only two solutions each in order to solve some problems. We will not solve them all but at least we could see some light at the end of the tunnel.
You never put forward solutions when you come to see us. You talk to us about your problems but I should like for you to suggest solutions. I would like each and everyone of you to give me their opinion.