Thanks very much, Mr. Chairman.
I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Brenda Schoepp, and I'm a producer from the Rimbey area.
Our family has had a long history in agriculture, from cow-calf to feedlot, organic grains and food production, retail sales, and now is going into food processing and looking into the processing of cosmetics from agricultural products in Canada. I'm a consultant for clients in Canada, the United States, and South America, representing several billion dollars worth of inventory. As a market analyst for the beef industry, I publish a national magazine called Beeflink that's quite familiar, and I've travelled extensively across Canada. I've been across Canada 20 times lecturing on everything from grass management to risk management, all the way through to any concerns that producers might have. I also have 20 years of board experience.
What I'm going to do today is focus on some of that experience as the past chair of the Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development Fund; the past vice-chair of the Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food program--both of them federal, of course--director of the Beef Cattle Research Council, also federal; and provincially as the research chair for the Alberta Beef Producers. I was also instrumental in the development and building of the largest beef cattle research station in Canada--and that is fully-operational now--in Strathmore, Alberta. I do work with a lot of private clients within the province as well. In 2006, the business community in Alberta awarded me as one of Alberta's 50 most influential people in the province. So I'm really enjoying my time in agriculture.
What I'd like to do is take a look at things from the 50,000-foot level and not talk about where the problems are, but about where the opportunities lie in agriculture.
Perhaps at no time in history has the rural producer been so challenged to maintain profitability in a small to medium-sized farm of conventional means. This is backed up by the substantial growth of 6.5% in farms over 1,600 acres or more. So we are seeing some growth in the agricultural industry. With a finite land base that is expected to meet both agricultural and societal needs, it is important to focus on long-term commitments to something greater than sustainable practices--in my own mind, I really challenge the term “sustainable” as an acceptable practice--and to attracting skilled labour and great leaders.
Agriculture, in my view, must be seen as an essential service driven by industry leaders who are educated, appreciate a global economy, understand the concept of adding value, and support research and commercialization. What we see when we go out and work with hundreds and hundreds of producers is that there is a gap between the understanding, most certainly, of taking research or their production practices and being involved in or committing, in an investment way, to the commercialization of value-added product.
Governments must support agriculture through enabling policy, regulatory reviews, harmonization, and a quick reaction to emerging issues. Without doubt, the long-term impact of all agricultural environmental practices may be questioned in the future. The intensity of demographic shifts will challenge infrastructure, health care, housing, education, information, and environment. It may be more difficult for political leaders to justify agricultural subsidies or investments to a largely immigrant, in-migrant population, which is those who are 50 to 60 years old and re-entering the workforce, or an out-of-province or out-of-nation population that is primarily urban with no ties to production agriculture. It will be equally difficult to defend water usage for agriculture production, land use for animal waste, odour from waste, expansion of production facilities near urban centres, and processing waste, unless agricultural waste and by-products, including CO mass or CO product, can be a proven resource.
Currently, co-product, as an example, from wheat is a waste product without proven inclusion levels in livestock feeding. The production of mass from corn and wheat for ethanol has sparked the moral discussion on food versus fuel versus feed. Cellulosic production of ethanol or butanol is perceived as a more stable business model, using agricultural waste, trees, shrubs, or grasses. It quells the fears of using food for fuel and is environmentally friendly, as the process produces less greenhouse gas than grain-based ethanol production methods.
Biodiesel production will be largely dependent on a level playing field with the United States, but it's unlikely that oilseeds will suffer because of the massive growth in that area.
Advances in biotechnology also allow for agriculture to be part of the solution for the need for plants-based medicines, and vaccines, and genetic improvement. You heard this morning, I think, that as more zoonotic diseases appear—those are diseases that could be transferred from animals to humans—and that as an increasing number of links are made between human disease and animal disease, there is also an immediate need for rapid testing and early diagnosis. Probably the one that strikes us immediately is the emerging potential link between Johne's and Crohn's and the need pre-slaughter—and that's the key, pre-slaughter on animals—for rapid testing and early diagnosis.
Food and beverage production is important, and continues to have growth potential in the production and manufacturing of sugar substitutes--especially sugar substitutes, as the annual consumption of sugar is 169 pounds in Canada. It's a huge emerging area. Functional foods, nutraceuticals and organic foods and products, plant-based cosmetics, toiletries, fabric, apparel, packaging, diapers, and medical supplies show enormous potential, as do pet food, pet toiletries, doggie diapers, pet care, and other animal wellness products. They are huge emerging industries for Canada.
Food animal health and nutrition now emerge as critical areas for investigation. The livestock and poultry industries need immediate answers to co-product utilization and net feed efficiency, along with genetic research, therapeutic approaches to health management, rapid diagnosis, antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic diseases, and product differentiation. The food animal industry must remain proactive in their approach to the question of antimicrobial resistance in relation to food consumption.
In the area of product development, research on product development for poultry and livestock must continue to address the lack of usage of domestic product in institutional food as the population ages.
In order to support a value-based marketing system, it is necessary to identify traits or characteristics that set Canada's product apart from the competition. This recipe for success must be built from scratch, with auditable differentiation throughout the entire production, processing, manufacturing, and distribution chain. As currency valuation, labour shortages, and regulatory hurdles erode Canada's competitive edge, every player needs to stay ahead of the game and push their product beyond a brand.
So what I'm talking about here is a traceability system for all products right though the entire production chain. These will no longer be ordinary commodities; they will be auditable and traceable, and will offer distinct value to the buyer.
In an evolving environment, the commodity of greatest value is intelligence and information. Alberta companies, as an example, own several of the most comprehensive information systems in the world, but they are highly underutilized and often ignored. As an example, in Alberta we have the most comprehensive research, nutrition, health, age verification, breeding, carcass value, export, investment, and cost of production database in the world. We often try to get governments involved in utilizing that database to move product and to advance some of these traceability issues, and there seems to be some resistance there.
Historically, there has been poor technology transfer, a complete absence of training or certification of food production, and dissolution of technical support for farmers. In most cases, farmers are not formally trained in any aspect of risk management, and as the gentleman said, this needs to be addressed.
As agriculture in Canada grows beyond the production of raw commodities, it will become ever more clear that the industry will continue to be challenged internally by a shortage of technical, commercial, manufacturing, and research intelligence. To attract investors, new entrants, and partners to any of these niches of business, agriculture needs new models, a new image, and educated leaders. I'm talking about industry leaders here.
Therefore, research for the sake of revenue generation, to the detriment of the building of skills and the educational needs of the next generations of workers, may be challenged. A systems approach to research that is industry-driven, transparent, cooperative, and performance-based, with a focus on a knowledge economy, is the most desirable path.
A systems approach is where everything that is done in research looks two steps ahead and two steps behind and ties all that together, so that we don't have isolated cells of research not being tied into environmental, societal, and other needs.
Education, then, is the focus at all levels, and the key factor in the success of investment of public funds into the business of agriculture.