Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'd like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to address this committee.
The producers I represent are involved in the western Canadian forage seed industry. Forage and grass seed production in Canada is concentrated primarily in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Over 500,000 acres are devoted to the production of forage, legume, and grass seed crops in the prairie provinces. These crops include alfalfa, clover, timothy, fescues, bird's-foot trefoil, and numerous other species, with alfalfa seed representing the largest forage seed crop acreage.
Over 2,400 western Canadian producers are involved in the production of forage and grass seed crops, which are a critical link in the agricultural production chain since they provide the seed required to grow the high-quality hay that the Canadian beef and dairy cattle industries depend upon for forage.
In addition to substantial domestic forage and grass seed sales, the value of western Canadian forage and grass seed exports, primarily to the U.S., exceeded $100 million in 2006. A driving force behind increased production within the forage and seed grass sector is the expanding turf seed market, particularly with respect to perennial ryegrass and creeping red fescue production.
Forage, legume, and grass seed crops have traditionally been considered special crops on the Canadian prairies, although they have generally received very little in the way of government attention and support. Government resources have often been devoted to forage hay issues rather than to forage seed issues.
As is the case with the production of all pedigreed seed crops, there are high input costs associated with the production of forage seed crops. Producers of pedigreed forage seed must pay careful attention to stand establishment, weed control, and disease control. In the case of alfalfa seed production, producers must also manage an alfalfa leaf-cutting bee population in order to pollinate their alfalfa and thus produce a seed crop.
Forage seed crop production, like conventional field crop production, is subject to wide variability due to weather-related risk. In addition to production risk factors, producers of forage seed crops must contend with price risk due to market-based fluctuations. These risk factors are not under the control of producers and must be managed through the utilization of business risk management tools.
Farm safety net programs currently available to most forage seed producers include crop insurance and CAIS, while ad hoc agricultural support program, which are developed on an ongoing basis, may or may not include forage seed production acres. In the current crop insurance system, not all forage seed crops are covered under all provincial programs.
When crop insurance is available, it often does not cover the cost of production. A case in point is alfalfa seed production in Saskatchewan, where the current crop insurance program does not offer a pedigreed alfalfa seed option. As well, alfalfa seed is the only forage seed crop included in the Saskatchewan crop insurance program.
While existing crop insurance programs are of value to western Canadian forage seed producers, these programs must be reviewed and adjusted on an annual basis in order to provide the maximum benefit to forage seed producers.
The CAIS program is complicated, expensive to administer, unpredictable, and unbankable for the forage seed producer. CAIS is designed to stabilize farm income, which works well in times of normal production and price fluctuation, but does not work well within the current long-term trend to lower net farm income. The CAIS program, along with the CFIP and AIDA programs that preceded it, has represented a problem rather than a solution for many producers. Future farm income stabilization programs that are developed to replace CAIS must be more user-friendly and responsive to the needs of producers.
National ad hoc agriculture support programs continue to be a source of great frustration for western Canadian forage seed producers. While the most recent concern on the part of the forage seed industry has centred on the exclusion of forage, legume, and grass seed crops from the commodity list eligible for payment under the grains and oilseeds payment program, or GOPP, the unfair treatment of forage seed crops under national agricultural support programs extends back to the exclusion of all forage, legume, and grass seed crops from the WGTA payout that accompanied the loss of the Crow benefit in 1995.
Since these forage seed crops have been included more recently on a list of special crops eligible for payment under FIPP and TISP, forage seed producers were dismayed to learn that forage, legume, and grass seed crops were not considered as special crops under the GOPP. Western Canadian forage seed producers are continuing to press the federal government for inclusion of forage, legume, and grass seed crops in the GOPP.
Federal government policy states that the GOPP was designed to address the impact of long-term declines in grain and oilseeds prices; and therefore, producers must have sold product into markets that have experienced this long-term decline over the last 10 years. This statement precisely fits the profile of western Canadian forage seed crop production, since virtually all forage seed produced in Canada is sold into domestic and export markets.
Forage seed crop production has been subject to the same increasing input costs—i.e., land rental, taxes, fuel costs, fertilizer, machinery costs, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, desiccants, farm labour—as other grains, oilseeds, and special crops.
Forage seed crops are produced in the same geographic areas of Canada where GOPP-eligible commodities are produced. Forage seed crops are harvested once per year, and forage seed production is subject to the same weather-related production loss factors, such as frost and drought, as is the production of other grains, oilseeds, and special crops.
According to the agriculture policy framework that governs the GOPP program, agricultural support programs must be designed in such a way that they are fair to all producers, minimize distortion in production or marketing decisions made by producers, and encourage the use of risk management practices.
The GOPP program has not followed these principles and is penalizing western Canadian forage seed producers who have diversified their farm operations. Western Canadian forage seed producers, like all Canadian producers, want to be in a position to utilize their energy and enterprise to run profitable agri-businesses.
A recent initiative involving the possible implementation of a new NISA-style program is a development that will be welcomed by many producers. Forage seed producers require that the government set a forward-looking policy that is fair to all producers and that allows each agricultural sector to be competitive in domestic and export markets.
Thank you once again for the opportunity to address this committee.