I want to get to the specifics of crop insurance, Kenton. You made a point on the lack of risk management. The fact of the matter is there have been absolutely huge expenditures. I know they say the money arriving in farmers' pockets is not enough, but there have been huge expenditures of money from the federal government in the last five years, the highest in history.
But when we compare ourselves to the United States, George Brinkman, who's an economist out of Guelph, compared as a percentage of income Canadian government subsidies with American, and this is where it gets rather scary. I'll quote what he said:
As a percentage of income, Canadian government subsidies represent 116% of farm incomes, but U.S. government subsidies represent only 37% of U.S. farm income.
The fact of the matter is, if you read The Western Producer of a couple of weeks ago, Barry Wilson indicated that over a 21-year period the realized net income on the farm was $51 billion over that period of time. Payments from federal and provincial governments were $58.4 billion. In other words, it was negative $7 billion from the market. So we have to really look at the whole structure of agriculture itself, I think.
So my question really from that is what the hell are we doing wrong? We've got money going out. It's not getting to where it ought to be getting.
You raised the point, John, of land prices. Land prices are going up like hell in some areas, there's no question about it. But our farm debt is astronomical compared to that of the Americans. And why are we capitalizing that money into land when we can't afford to do so?
Anyway, on the crop insurance meeting in November of the ministers, this is what they're proposing, and I want to ask you, Kenton, if you think these levels are correct. On crop insurance, Canada will on average cover 36% of the premiums, the provinces will cover 24% of the premiums, and the remaining 40% will be the responsibility of the participants. On catastrophic losses, Canada will cover 60%. And Canada will cover 60% of the compensation paid for losses caused by wildlife. Are those figures correct?
From my own point of view, I'll be honest with you, I think the feds should be paying about 90% of catastrophic losses that are infrequent, but on the other ones I think I'm relatively in agreement. What levels do you think?