For crop insurance at the 50% level, that is actually what it is. As soon as you start paying, if you want to insure at the 80% level, then the producer bears a significant premium of that. And I think the ratio should remain the same the more that's insured, because it's less costly to the CAIS program then, because these other programs are filling in the gaps where they should and doing what they're supposed to do.
As far as the breakdowns go, I wouldn't be able to—I agree on the disaster, once in 20 years, once in 30 years, yes, the feds should bear the brunt of that. But I think if you had a federal program—and I don't know how it would be funded, but it should be a federal program so that you can have the level playing field throughout—and if it's clawed back through—Instead of the province paying for some, if it's through the transfer payments, I don't know how they could ever make that work. But I don't want to hear how it can't happen; I want to hear solutions, how it can happen.