I'd just like to add that the ethanol and biodiesel industry is a good industry to get into for the grain growers at this time, but I think feedstocks in the near future will change for ethanol and biodiesel, so we're talking about a short-term, temporary feedstock here for ethanol and biodiesel. When you look around the world, there are much better feedstocks for producing ethanol and biodiesel than grain. An example is in New Zealand. They've done it. They have lagoons with algae in them and they're producing 200 times the amount from the same acre as canola for biodiesel. We see ethanol switchgrass as a much better than feedstock than grain itself.
We are dealing with a short-term problem here in the cattle and hog industry. I wouldn't want to put all my eggs in one basket as to producing ethanol and biodiesel from grain itself.