As I understand it, the government's failure to act in controlling milk protein imports means that the government accepts there can be only a third of the farms surviving, as long as the volume of milk produced remains the same. I find it very worrying to hear Mr. Price saying the situation is stable because the volume has remained the same.
The government has to understand that dairy farms and milk production constitute wealth, generate economic activity in the region, create jobs and help make their regions vibrant and dynamic. I find it an issue of great concern when I see you so unworried about the drop in the number of dairy farms in Quebec and Canada. Frankly, I think processors have very good lobbyists to succeed in making the government delay in passing legislation or taking concrete action to protect our dairy farms. I am not generally paranoid, but I believe the processors will probably create a product that will make it possible to artificially reduce the amount of milk protein. So even if the percentage changes, when the product goes over the border their profit margin will increase even more.
Mr. Price, can you assure me that our government will not encourage dairy farms in Quebec and Canada to close?