Thank you very much for being here.
It seems to me that on this tour there are common threads that have been pointed out. There are crisis situations. I think transportation is one, and if we have some time, I'd like to get back to that, because frankly, the more I hear about what's happening with the railways, the more appalled I am by what they're getting away with.
I'd like to focus on tobacco with Brian and Mark.
We've been around this ever since I've been doing this. We've met. You folks have appeared before the committee. I remember, Paul, that we talked about it and said that there have been enough meetings and that we have to get to a high level. You even suggested a high-level meeting to get industry, government, and producers together to hammer out this exit strategy. Your proposals have been there. They're in black and white. I've talked with another colleague, Joe Preston, and we've gone around this. I've written letters on your behalf, as have others, I'm sure, and we've talked.
Here we are in a situation in which it's really not a cost. It's not going to take away from other producers. As you said, it's not an agricultural issue; it's a health issue. We, as a country, have decided that we're going down this path. It can be financed through tobacco, through taxes. It can be financed through some contributions from industry.
Why are we still at this stage? I don't understand that. What answer are you getting? Why is it so difficult for us to get together, for government to bring people together and hammer this out and let you folks exit with dignity? I don't understand it. Maybe you could explain that to us.