I think at this point in time we have our elected representatives, who are the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers’ Marketing Board. Their mandate is marketing and production.
There are some growers, as I stated in the question, who think they can still grow if there is a restructuring of the tobacco scenario. We, as the Tobacco Farmers In Crisis, have said that we want an exit program for those who wish to exit.
Looking at the other programs in agriculture, we don't believe that it should actually be an agricultural issue. At one point in time the companies themselves said they would be part of the solution also. I think at this point in time they've said they're going to have to be forced to be part of the solution.
If they are part of the solution, then there's a possibility of some tobacco production continuing on for those who want to try that, and it will probably be a completely different system. There will be a free market system, as in the United States. That's what happened down there. All tobacco quotas disappeared, including the flue-cured. It's direct contracting with those companies.
Here in Canada any exit program in the future, and there have been a number of them.... There used to be five provinces growing tobacco: Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Ontario. All of those provinces have exited. There were programs put in place for those producers.
At this point in time we're left with a situation where the crop size that's been offered by members of the TAC.... And the TAC does not include all tobacco manufacturers, unfortunately. To be a member of the TAC you have certain obligations that you have to sign--guarantees of payment, and that type of thing. Unfortunately, our federal government issued licences outside of this TAC with no requirement to be there. There are no Canadian content rules whatsoever.
We have this product that is hazardous to people's health. It's been stated by the health people that it's a carcinogen. And do you realize that there are no requirements for testing under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency? It's not a food. It doesn't fit.
There is monitoring done by scientists to see exactly what is coming in here. And for those people who do smoke, we, as Canadians, no longer supply the majority of that tobacco, as farmers.
The companies have decided to have just-in-time production, cheapest product available. They're going to defend their shareholders.
We looked at other programs in place that have been done in other countries and we did a comparison. Our marketing board had an independent accounting firm do a study of what it would cost to replace the lost investments we have.
And that's actually what we're asking for. If we're going to be taken out of business, if it's government policy that we're no longer going to produce tobacco in Canada, what we're actually asking for is to be put back in the position we were in. Provide a program, whatever that is, to allow the tobacco farmer to exit tobacco production and recover the investments they've put into it. And this is multi-generational.
Unfortunately, if the government goes to Farm Credit Canada or it goes to the banks, that doesn't look at all the debt. It really doesn't. We have multi-generational farmers where the father has given a mortgage to the son and there are private mortgages there. There is ACC, just to grow tobacco, because possibly the banks haven't looked at you for growing for a number of years now. You have to get outside money to grow your tobacco. It's not just the long-term debt that we're looking at here. For those in debt, the average debt is estimated at $400,000 each.
The average quota size is not large. When you look at 1,068 individual quotas and 272 million pounds of quota, you're not going to be able to get out of debt.