Thanks, Mr. Chair, and thanks to you folks for your presentations.
This is the last day of hearings on the road, so to speak. There'll be a few more in Ottawa, especially around the research area.
Looking back at APF 1--and certainly I was involved closely in terms of trying to implement that and the money--I'm worried from the standpoint that, again, the focus this time around will be safety nets, in part because for some reason in Canada we're always in crisis management. There were a lot of other pillars in the last APF that were never funded. They were there; they simply weren't funded. To a great extent, that's what happened in APF 1.
I want to refer a moment to George Brinkman. All of you folks will know of Mr. Brinkman. Yes, we had our differences many times, but I don't dispute his figures. He had this to say about the percentage of farm income from subsidies in Canada and the United States. I'll quote what he said: “As a percentage of income, Canadian government subsidies represent 116% of farm incomes...”. In other words, we're not getting 100% of our money out of the market, or anything out of the market; it has all come from governments over the last number of years. The United States government subsidies represent only 37% of U.S. producers' farm income.
I don't disagree with those figures, but I do disagree with him in that I think U.S. farmers are subsidized in many other ways and we're simply not doing it right. I think in Geri's proposal he, to a great extent, mentioned it, as all of you did.
And as for Arthur's point about a Canada-wide school snack program. Why don't we do it? They have a school milk program in the United States, and I assume you're talking about a similar program. They fund food stamps.
We can do environment and a number of other areas. I don't know why we're paying all the costs on HACCP programs and on-farm food safety on the farms. It's for the consumers that we're doing it, but we sit back and take it and we pay it. The theory in the bureaucracy in Ottawa is, well, you simply transfer that on to the consumer. We all know in this room that doesn't happen; it can't.
What other areas should we be looking at, in terms of supporting farmers, that are GATT-green and not seen as subsidies, but at the same time, we're still going to have a farm safety net program there?