I want to thank you once again for appearing here. For some of us, this is getting to be old hat. I think some of us probably have found that we've made a career out of coming to this table, and we're probably going to outlive most of the farmers who have been waiting for these programs.
I would suggest that unless we're prepared to start thinking outside of the box, we're never going to go anywhere else. We are going to stay exactly where we are, spinning our tires, leaving a lot of rubber on the road, having never left the street corner.
The United States has a farm bill, but they have one farm bill representing 50 states. We, as you say, are proposing a farm bill. We, for the most part, support that view. But how can we have a farm bill in Canada when we have one federal government, 10 provinces, and the territories all competing?
We have various organizations that from time to time come to this table with competing views. We have leadership. We've seen you here, Bob, many times. Denise has been here. Richard's been here, Terry, for the first time here today, talked about management. I think farmers would be offended if they felt that we felt they weren't managing properly. I think they're managing as well as they can within an environment over which they, most of the time, don't have any control.
In your document here, “A Canadian Farm Bill: A New Vision for Canadian Agriculture”, you say we need to create “a stable business and investment environment for all stakeholders”.
Then you say, in bullet four:
The next generation of agricultural policy must identify and strengthen those mechanisms that work to maintain farm incomes and bargaining power in the marketplace including cooperatives, collective marketing, supply management and its three pillars and the Canadian Wheat Board.
What's your position on the Wheat Board, given that there's a government currently attempting to have the Wheat Board become a grain-trading agency? If you believe this, then are you not at odds with the government's position in terms of the Wheat Board?
I guess what farmers are saying to me is—and I have a document right here: “Where has the CFA been, where has the OFA been, in terms of this whole issue of the farm options program? Deathly silent.” They said, “We haven't heard from our farm organizations.”
I think we have a serious problem unless we're willing to address that. And we, as government, have a problem. I'm not suggesting that we're immune from this. I think we've all got to start addressing and moving forward and start thinking outside the box. If food security is important to this country, if we believe that, if government believes that, then we will find a way to do it, and we will find a policy that will surround that mission statement that we have.
Please help me, because I'm on my last legs in this business.