Thank you for your testimony.
Mr. Friesen, through you, I would like to congratulate your team for this document, that I just can't put down: “A Canadian Farm Bill: A New Vision for Canadian Agriculture”. I think this should be required reading for a minister of agriculture. Please extend my congratulations to your team and your partners who are responsible for publishing this document. It contains very good advice, as well as a vision. And is a new vision for agriculture not something that we are all seeking? That is what we often heard when the committee toured Canada to discuss an upcoming strategic framework for agriculture. We were told that we needed to develop some type of vision. We are up against some heavy hitters, like the Americans and the European Union, and that is why we are wondering where we stand and what we want to accomplish.
Your paper states that the next generation of agricultural policy must identify and strengthen those mechanisms that work to maintain farm incomes and bargaining power in the marketplace including cooperatives, collective marketing, supply management and its three pillars and the Canadian Wheat Board. You are no doubt aware of the great concern that has been expressed about supply management and its three pillars and the Canadian Wheat Board. Again today, this was the subject of a question that was asked in the House, and, as usual, in his response, the Minister of Agriculture attempted to downplay the problem. With respect to the Canadian Wheat Board, I believe that the government's intention is clear. So we have every reason to be concerned about supply management as well, particularly in light of the comments that were made by the Minister of International Trade.
I am not sure if you have read the very recently published study by the Fraser Institute that was written in part by Messrs. Preston Manning and Mike Harris. Among other things, this study recommends abolishing supply management outright. We know what side Mr. Manning and Mr. Harris are on, we are familiar with the position of the current government, we are aware of what Minister Emerson said in the Western Producer.
It is all very well to say, here in Canada as well as abroad, that we want to protect supply management and we don't want to abolish the Canadian Wheat Board, but how optimistic are you? Do you think the current government should be given a free hand when it comes to protecting our assets?