Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I think it's important to make a comment and set the record straight on something Mr. Easter seemed to get so much joy out of.
The fact of the matter is that 10 to 15 years ago in Alberta, the oil sands were considered a dream. They were considered too expensive, too energy inefficient, and something we would never see as a relevant source of energy or oil in our country or in our world. Today, with the high price of oil, the money that governments at both the federal and provincial levels have put into it has created a very economically viable industry that creates roughly 10% of Canada's GDP.
Some 16% of oil sands-related jobs are not in Alberta; they are actually in Ontario. Since 2004 alone, over $102 billion worth of economic activity in Ontario alone has been generated from the oil sands in Alberta.
Mr. Chair, if the industry we are talking about helping to create today can bring forth one iota of the change the oil sands have brought to our country, to rural Canada, then I think it behooves us to support it and continue to move it forward every step we can.
I think the comments Mr. Boshcoff has made about the government's delaying this and trying to ramp up fears on this issue are very dangerous. What you are doing is exactly what these gentlemen have asked you not to do, and that is to—