Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, committee members, for the opportunity to come before you and talk about “Product of Canada” labelling.
I am representing the Chicken Farmers of Canada, which is the national organization that represents Canada's 2,800 chicken farmers. As our board of directors and organization is made up of farmers, processors, further processors, and restaurateurs, the views around our table take into account the major stakeholders in the chicken industry.
CFC also has a mandate for managing supply in Canada, and we would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation to all parties for their support for our industry.
The Canadian chicken industry is responsible for around 50,000 jobs and about $9.5 billion in economic activity. It has been a growing business over the past 30 years. In fact, we reached a milestone in 2007 when we crossed the billion kilogram mark in production. I think that is a pretty significant accomplishment.
We have done this by building the confidence of our consumers and providing them with product that informs them about safety, how we raise product on our farms, and how we process it. We guard that confidence jealously, because without consumer confidence, the consumption of chicken, or of any Canadian product, would plummet.
We are primarily focused on the domestic market. About 94% of what we produce and process is marketed in Canada. This is our primary market, though it doesn't mean we're a closed market. We're the ninth largest importer of chicken in the world, so there is a significant amount of chicken that comes in and plays on the reputation we have established in this marketplace.
Our first concern is that imports should not come in at all if they don't meet our requirements for food safety and the other standards we have. That is the first part of this “Product of Canada” labelling. It doesn't matter what content provisions we come up with here. What we don't want to do is provide product that doesn't meet our standards, that at times gets mislabelled, and that introduces more risk. We are not concerned about the production in other countries. We are concerned about the production in Canada because we are the ones who are marketing the product in Canada.
In respect of consumer views, we have done surveying since 1995. We conduct full omnibus surveys for Chicken Farmers of Canada, and consumers have made it clear that they want to know where their food is coming from. That is a key concern.
I would suggest that this is becoming more of a concern—not just because of food but also because of other import issues, like toys with lead paint on them. It becomes more of a discussion item in the consumer psyche, so we have to be more vigilant in what we do.
It is interesting that over the last decade our surveys have shown that the percentage of Canadians who want to buy Canadian chicken has risen from 70% to 89%. In other words, there is a difference in consumer trust here with respect to Canadian and imported product. That is why it's so important that we get this right. We need to determine exactly what can be labelled “Product of Canada”.
One other issue that has been raised is avian influenza. With outbreaks in Asia and concerns about bird-to-human transmission in Asia, there has been a greater awareness of potential impacts. There is now a greater suspicion about imports and more trust in domestically produced product. That's another factor that builds into this.
We bolster that consumer confidence by making sure we deliver on food safety, biosecurity, animal welfare, traceability, and our impact on the environment. We are doing these things to maintain that confidence.
I want to make a distinction between two issues. One is “Grown in Canada” and one is “Product of Canada”.
We support the idea of a “Grown in Canada” label, but see that as distinctly separate from “Product of Canada”. It is essentially a marketing concept, while with the “Product of Canada”, what we're examining here is the truth in labelling and where does the product come from.
We see both as voluntary. If you want to label your product as “Product of Canada”, then you have to meet those guidelines. If you want to market it as “Grown in Canada”, that is a separate initiative, and if you so choose, that is your decision to do that.
In terms of the “Product of Canada”, in our view, the guidelines that currently exist should be changed. It doesn't make sense that food could be labelled as “Product of Canada” and not one part of the food content--call it a packaged food product--is from Canada. In our view, the label should reflect the food and not the packaging. Packaging and advertising, therefore, should not be included in the equation to determine what is a product of Canada and if it meets Canadian content requirements. In fact, if companies are trying to meet the Canadian content requirement by putting in additional packaging, maybe we'll help the environment by taking packaging out of the equation.
In terms of how you would label products and call them products of Canada, our view is that it's important that the essential character of the product being purchased is Canadian. That is the term we have used: “essential character”. For example, when a consumer buys a Canadian chicken cordon bleu product, which is a stuffed chicken with some ham and some cheese inside it, the consumer would expect, at a minimum, that the chicken is Canadian. They are buying chicken cordon bleu. However, when a consumer purchases a Canadian lasagna with chicken meat, the consumer is not necessarily expecting that the chicken is Canadian. They're buying a lasagna and they're expecting, I would suggest, that the product is being processed in Canada and put together, that you are making the lasagna in Canada. So we need to look at what the essential character is. A pizza would be different from a boneless piece of breast meat. It is the essential character that is important.
We've tried to come up with an idea for how you could break down this essential character. In our view, we put forward the proposition that a single ingredient meat product—that would be chapter 2, “Meat” in the harmonized tariff system—would have to be 100% Canadian in terms of production and processing.
You need to understand that in the chicken business, our birds are not travelling from one farm to another. They don't have a long life span, and therefore it is going from one farm into one processing plant. So if you have one piece of meat—and you can't really stick two pieces of meat together, it has to be one whole piece of meat—our view is that that should be produced and processed in Canada. At the same time, a majority of the food value, whether or not you call it the production and processing value, must be Canadian.
If you have a meat product containing more than 20% meat, that is chapter 16 in the harmonized tariff system. Our view is that because you are buying a meat product at that point--this is the essential character--a majority of the food value and a majority of the chicken value would have to be Canadian.
Any products outside of that, with less than 20% meat content--in chapters 18, 19, 20, or 21 of the harmonized system--would only need to have a majority of food content to be labelled Canadian. There is no longer an essential character of those products that chicken or meat is the essential product.
We support as well what Lisa was saying in terms of communication and education absolutely. If we are going to make changes here, it is not going to be enough only to make the changes. There needs to be an education component to this. We need to get out there and add an enforcement aspect.
To conclude, Mr. Chairman, these are the recommendations of the Chicken Farmers of Canada.
A “Product of Canada” labelling requirement would be that imported foods must be subject to the same standards at the outset; they don't get in if they're not.
Packaging and advertising should not be part of the claim in determining what “Product of Canada” is. The essential character of the product would be the dictating point in what portion would have to be Canadian.
And there must be a positive, pro-Canadian, not anti-import communications strategy that is tied with that.
Thank you very much. I'm prepared to answer any questions you may have.