I guess it's still good morning.
My name is Jon Lechowicz. I'm a tobacco farmer and a founding member of Tobacco Farmers in Crisis. TFIC is an umbrella grassroots farm organization, with farmer members from the last three provinces in tobacco production in Canada, those being Ontario, Quebec, and P.E.I. We represent over 500 farm units and over 70% of the tobacco quota holdings in Ontario.
At this time I'd like to thank the committee for its support and recent motion, which was carried by a majority. So I'd like to thank those members who voted in favour of that motion.
Since TFIC was first presented to this committee two years ago, the Canadian government—and by that I mean governments—has collected $18 billion in tax revenues. As a matter of fact, since 2004 when TFIC began its campaign to seek compensation for the loss of quota caused by government policies, Canadian governments have collected in excess of $36 billion in tax revenues.
The multinational cigarette companies doing business in Canada have made in excess of $8 billion in revenue. This year, Rothmans recorded record profits, largely through increased use of cheap imported tobacco from developing countries. Apparently contraband hasn't hurt the bottom line of those two big partners in the tobacco business, those being the government and the multinational corporations.
The U.S., the European Union, and Australia have all compensated their tobacco farmers for loss of their livelihoods, and in a manner and to a level that is appropriate.
A profitable contraband market has continued to flourish more or less unchallenged by the same government that has denied fair compensation to farmers.
Canadian tobacco farming communities have been steadily dying. Tobacco farmers have been drowning under mounting debt or going bankrupt, and their families have been torn apart by stress, depression, and constant fear about their bleak futures--and as mentioned by Mr. St. Amand this morning, to the point of suicide.
We know these people. A gentleman burned himself to death in his tobacco barn not long ago. On Tuesday, by virtue of my other job as a real estate agent, I got a call from a social worker who had a third-generation tobacco farm family sitting in her office, who had to ask me how a power of sale went, because they've been notified that they had to vacate their home of the last three generations by June 13, which is tomorrow.
These people were waiting for the government of this country to do something for them. They've lost their quota. They've lost their farm. Whatever you're going to do now is not going to help them. They're gone. And there are a lot more like that. They're going to be gone before this government does anything, apparently. That's what I see.
The Minister of Agriculture has declared that there is no money for an exit strategy, while his government has made record cuts to the GST and other taxes, and at the same time steadily raising more tax revenue from sales of legal tobacco products.
Manufacturers, in the past 36 months, have raised their price on a carton of cigarettes by over $3. That's more than we've ever asked for. They've already taken it out of the tobacco business.
This situation is unfair, dishonest, and hypocritical. Our position is that Canadian tobacco farming families have been robbed of their legal livelihoods by the Canadian government in collusion with multinational tobacco manufacturers, who are raking in taxes and profits respectively while farmers are going bankrupt. This would not be allowed to happen in any other industry. If the government did this to a foreign company, for example, they would be hauled before courts under international trade and investment treaties that Canada is party to, and they would compensate or desist.
Our demand is simple: fair compensation for the years of work and investments we have made in a legal livelihood that has been taken from us by a government that persists in believing farming families and our communities are acceptable collateral damage.
We respectfully remind the committee that this not an agricultural issue. Tobacco farmers are the only victims of Canada's ill-conceived tobacco control policy, which taxes a product to control legal consumption. This is a health policy, not an agricultural policy.
The same government has all but ignored the resulting growth of a contraband market, which now accounts for 30% to 40% of all cigarettes consumed in Canada, which keeps it easy and cheap to smoke in this country. It's a justice issue, not an agricultural issue.
Last year we produced 37 million pounds of tobacco that we sold through the marketing board. That was our total production. All of that production last year would not have supplied the contraband market, even if 100% of that production had gone to the contraband market. So do not look to the farmers for the salvation of the contraband problem. We're not part of it—never have been, and never will be.
And the same government ignored the fact that this combination of a highly taxed legal product and a cheap, easily available alternative would wipe out tobacco farming families and their communities by destroying the economic value of the tobacco quota and related investments. These are financial and economic decisions, not ones emanating from the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food.
In fact, tobacco is still big business in this country. As we all know, governments and tobacco manufacturers reap billions of dollars from it each year. Tobacco farmers are the only economic victims. Of the revenues generated, the government takes 68%, the multinational companies take 23%, and Canadian farmers receive a fraction of 1%. This plainly and simply is a disgraceful inequity.
Today we'll address where TFIC is going next, after four years of intensive lobbying and education on this problem, and why we have chosen this path. In our strategy, we have now been forced to pursue two tracks. We will continue to seek redress from government by discussion and lobbying—which has always been our preferred route up until this time. And we will support legal action by farmers. Although we are hopeful that this issue can be moved to the departments of health, finance, and justice, we recognize that farmers must be prepared to take actions that will protect their families' assets if this fails. People are being excluded from this process as we speak.
First, in terms of pursuing direct government action, we continue to demand that the issue of quota compensation be immediately acted upon by those departments within government responsible for the tobacco control file, namely, Health, Finance and Justice. We recognize the shrewd strategy of the Conservative government in continuing to lob the tobacco issue back into the agriculture department, which does not have the funds to implement an exit strategy. But as we have repeatedly emphasized, this is not an agricultural issue. This crisis in tobacco farming has not been caused by poor agricultural policies or crop production problems. It has not been caused by any natural disaster. It is Canada's tobacco control policy and related measures that have destroyed the economic value of tobacco quotas, and the owners of those quotas must be compensated for that loss of value. That's what this is all about, plain and simple. It's a business issue and an issue of basic fairness and justice to compensate us for the deliberate devaluation of assets and the loss of our legal livelihoods. We are simply asking Canada to do the same thing as other countries have done.
To guide that discussion, we developed a blueprint for action, which TFIC first presented to the federal and Ontario governments in July 2005, and of course we presented it to this committee in 2006, as the basis of a comprehensive exit strategy. We have brought along copies in case someone hasn't seen it.
We ask this committee for your continued support to try to move the issue of compensation for tobacco farmers' loss of livelihood onto the government's immediate agenda. Our first choice is to have this resolved by government, but until it becomes a matter on the Order Paper, nothing will be done. We are therefore asking for an immediate discussion in the House, with the focus on the point that the issue should be acted on by Health, Finance and Justice.
Although we acknowledge the committee's passage of a recent motion as a good first step, the level of funding is inadequate. Therefore, we also ask this committee to support and recommend to Parliament our blueprint for action as the basis of a comprehensive, fair, and orderly exit strategy.
Based on the government's intransigence and neglect to date, we are very concerned whether the tobacco issue will reach the House in time for many of our members. Therefore, we have no choice but to support our members and other farmers seeking legal options. We feel we have no other options.
Thank you for your time. I'm ready to answer lots of question.
Thank you very much.