I would like to put forward one final motion, Chair, regarding the speaking order so we have some idea of what order you'll follow when you are allowing people to ask questions. We're all investing time in the committee, preparing before the committee, and listening attentively when witnesses are presenting. Then we have the opportunity to ask questions. I think it's important, to the maximum extent possible, and if time allows, that each member be given an opportunity to participate in the meeting. That stimulates interest and stimulates dialogue. And it ensures that everybody has an investment in the meeting, because they have an opportunity to dialogue with the witnesses.
With that in mind, I'd like to propose my motion regarding speaking order. You have it on the English side, but I'll read it so it can be translated:
The order of questions for the first round of questioning shall be as follows: Liberal, Bloc, NDP, Conservative. Questioning during the second round shall alternate between the opposition members and government members in the following fashion: Liberal, Conservative, Bloc, Conservative, Liberal, Conservative, based on the principle that each committee member should have a full opportunity to question the witnesses. If time permits further rounds shall be at the discretion of the chair.
That would end the wording of my motion. Again, it's just to highlight the fact that.... I think we've all be on committees before at times when some members didn't participate because they didn't have the time to participate. They hadn't been allocated a question. We're all MPs. We're all elected. We're all representing regions and particular interests, and that's why I think it's important that, to the maximum extent possible, we all be given an opportunity to participate directly in each committee meeting.