Good morning, everybody.
First of all, I'd like to thank you all for allowing us to come here to speak and share our situation and our story. I would especially like to give thanks to honourable member Brian Storseth for making this possible for us.
Dear committee members, it's been almost a year and a half since a single deteriorated PCN egg sac was discovered allegedly in one of our fields by the CFIA. In the wake of that event, we can assure you that not one day has gone by without a PCN-CFIA discussion with either family, friends, or business associates.
Our farm has been located where it is and owned by this family for almost 50 years. For nearly 30 of those years, Cecil Goutbeck, I myself, and our families have laboured to make our farm what it is. It is more than 2,000 acres of unique, excellent soil for potatoes. It has numerous irrigation pivots, miles of underground water piping, and several fixed electrical pumping installations. Only recently, in the summer and fall of 2007, hundreds of thousands of our dollars were spent on new irrigation and infrastructure and a large addition to our potato loading area. We had a prosperous seed potato business, along with a successful grain and oilseed operation.
Our farm was a source of pride and a labour of love. In these years much time and energy was also invested in forging good working relationships with our neighbours with regards to renting and swapping lands in order to maintain a healthy potato rotation.
To put it simply, the events triggered by the activities of the CFIA in the fall of 2007 have all but destroyed the viability of our once wonderful farm. The fallout from CFIA's decisions has been immense and painful for us and our neighbours. Property value for our neighbours and us, whose lands are regulated, is virtually worthless given the conditions pertaining to the movement of vehicles and equipment in attempting to exit one's own property. As a result, our reputation and our credibility with respect to renting any more land have been absolutely ruined. Who would dare rent land to any potato farmer, especially Northbank Potato Farms?
Without going into detail, it can be stated that alternative solutions suggested by the CFIA and other government agencies illustrated their lack of understanding and insight regarding the operations of a seed potato, grain, and oilseed farm in central Alberta.
In an effort to provide you with a view into our situation, we would like to highlight some of the activities and occurrences that have transpired since the supposed positive find on our farm in the fall of 2007. We will present these to you in point form as follows:
- the dumping of almost 8,000 tonnes of the beautiful 2007 crop into the snow;
- spending countless hours washing machinery and facilities to the extent that we were unable to farm a significant amount of our 2008 grain acres due to onerous CFIA land exiting requirements; also, subsequently spraying hundreds of these aforementioned unfarmed acres for weed control;
- farming a fraction of our historical potato acreage in 2008 on far distant, unirrigated, lower-quality lands, all the while hoping our new landlords had heard nothing of potato growers and nematodes;
- warning the CFIA this past summer on more than one occasion that the soil testing was being done too slowly to have it completed in time for the 2008-09 marketing season;
- disappointing our very loyal and valued customers in Florida and California again this past fall due to a closed border as a result of the aforementioned uncompleted soil testing. Almost 1,000 tonnes of potato sales were lost on our farm alone.
- receiving Dear John letters from unhappy landowners.
Maybe some of you wonder what a Dear John letter is. I'm going to read one for you right now:
Dear Mr. Van Boom
As you are aware, Fort Hills Energy...currently holds a land base of 6,000 acres within the Municipality of Sturgeon County. Over the past two years, FHEC has rented to individuals within the community for agricultural purposes. In September 2007, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency...discovered a Potato Cyst Nematode...on a portion of the lands owned by FHEC, which resulted in 320 acres being placed under a “Notice of Prohibition or Restriction of An Activity”. As a result of the PCN discovery, FHEC determined that it was in the best interest of the proposed Sturgeon Upgrader and the local area to review the current procedures and practices regarding the farming of FHEC owned lands.
After reviewing the current procedures and practices, FHEC would like to take this opportunity to advise that the production of Seed Potatoes will no longer be permitted on FHEC owned lands.
That's what a Dear John letter sounds like. Those are the people we rent land from.
I'll continue with some more points:
- finding out after the completion of intensive soil testing, involving thousands upon thousands of samples, that CFIA was unable to replicate a positive reading, thereby creating a mountain of scientific evidence calling into question the validity of the original find; CFIA stood alone in its dismissive stance with respect to the possibility of human error;
- being stonewalled by CFIA via the Access to Information Act regarding our questions about testing and protocol;
- finding out that, using the criteria required by our trading partner, APHIS, our farm is not positive for PCN;
- feeling the frustration of constantly being lumped together with the situation in Quebec, when speaking to the disaster assessment people;
- and finally, wondering what the future holds for us and our young sons, who had planned to carry on in the family business.
Even to this day, we have many more questions than answers: How could test results be interpreted as conclusively positive based on such flimsy evidence? Why would they negotiate a trade agreement that permits the destruction of businesses and the disrepute of an entire export group based on a single, unreplicated lab test? Why was seed allowed to be shipped before testing was completed, resulting in the border closure? Did CFIA have a clear understanding of the ramifications of its own guideline agreement with APHIS?
It's possible we may never receive the answers to all these questions. Meanwhile, we wait to be released from this trap and to be given back our farm and our livelihood.
Along with the huge financial blow, there has been a human cost: a feeling of purposelessness and dullness that results from being in a fog of uncertainty, combined with a loss of hope. We are not the kind of people who aspire to become wards of the state. But that is what this is making us.
Last fall, the CFIA admitted to having had us and our neighbours under surveillance--an act that, in our eyes, seems to rob us of our last bit of dignity and respect.
Nevertheless, despite our situation, we try to remain hopeful and realize that we have many blessings we can count. Numbered among our hopes is a new agreement between CFIA and APHIS that would lift existing restrictions on our land, along with the additional hope of fair and just treatment with respect to our financial losses.
In conclusion, our ultimate hope in this situation is to resume our role as good corporate citizens, growing and exporting seed potatoes, contributing to the needs of society around us, and finding fulfillment in that.
Thank you very much.