Mr. Chair and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak today.
My name is Pam Skotnitsky and I'm the associate vice-president of government affairs at SaskCentral, which is the provincial trade association for credit unions in Saskatchewan. However, today I appear before you in my role as chair of the agricultural subcommittee of Credit Union Central of Canada's legislative affairs policy committee. I'm joined by Mr. Frank Kennes, vice-president of credit, Libro Financial Group, a credit union situated in southwestern Ontario.
Before addressing the issue that brings us before you today, I'm going to make a few preliminary comments about Canadian Central and the role the credit union system plays in Canada.
Canadian Central is a federally regulated financial institution that operates as a national trade association and finance facility for its owners, the provincial credit union centrals. Through those provincial credit union centrals, Canadian Central provides service to 440 affiliated credit unions across Canada outside of Quebec. Credit unions represent an important component of the Canadian economy. We deliver services through 1,700 locations to five million members. We employ 2,400 people, and we represent $114 billion in assets.
Credit unions in Canada come in all shapes and sizes and operate in almost every community, including large urban centres. Credit unions are the first choice for many members. In fact, one in three Canadians is a member of a credit union or caisse populaire. We believe these numbers reflect the system's strong cooperative values and commitment to the economic development of their communities in good times and in bad. This commitment is illustrated by our continuing presence in more than 380 communities in Canada where we are the only financial institution in town. It is also evidenced by the high level of the system's charitable donations, which in recent years have reached nearly $36 million annually.
Credit unions are significant lenders to the Canadian agricultural economy and in rural Canada outside of Quebec. In fact, over the past 15 years credit unions have been increasing their market share in agriculture. Using the most recent available data from Statistics Canada, there is currently $47.3 billion in farm debt outstanding in provinces outside of Quebec. This debt has been issued by chartered banks, Farm Credit Canada, credit unions, and other smaller lenders. Of that total, credit unions account for approximately $5.37 billion or 10.9%. This figure is up considerably from the 5.3% in 1993. In short, credit unions have more than doubled their share in the issuance of farm debt over the past 15 years.
Regionally, the Manitoba and Saskatchewan credit union systems are major shareholders of the farm debt outstanding in their provinces, controlling 25.7% and 22.8% respectively. The Manitoba credit union system has steadily reported remarkable growth over the last 15 years, with an average annual growth rate of 9.8%. Strong growth is consistently reported by the Ontario credit union/caisse populaire system each year, with an average annual growth rate of 10.3% over the last 15 years. The system's market share in Ontario stands at 5.6%. Meanwhile, the Alberta credit union system holds 5.8% of the province's debt load, with farm loans growing at an average annual rate of 7.9% over the last 15 years.
Canadian Central has reviewed some of the recent testimony before this committee, and we are aware that you have heard from a wide variety of stakeholders in regard to the broad issues. With that in mind, we wish to focus on the policy development process as it relates to agriculture and the financial sector.
In recent years, the Government of Canada has increasingly called on financial institutions to play an important role in agricultural program delivery. This is evident in business risk management programs such as the old net income stabilization account program, or NISA; the Canadian agricultural income stabilization program, CAIS; and now Agrilnvest. Financial institutions are central to the delivery of loan guarantee programs such as FIMCLA, the Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act, and previously financial institutions were asked to participate in loan programs to support the creation of slaughterhouse capacity in Canada. Also, there are advance payment programs where financial institutions play a key role.
Finally, changes to the policy relating to Farm Credit Canada continue to impact the way the financial markets evolve in relation to agriculture. Canadian Central views the deepening relationship with Agriculture and Agri-Food as having positive potential for producers, the Government of Canada, and for financial institutions.
However, it is our view that agriculture programs and policies that impinge on producers and FIs can only be successful if financial institutions are brought into the policy-making process in the early stages of development, rather than at the tail end. It is our concern that in the absence of appropriate and regular dialogue, policy and program outcomes will be less than optimal.
We can illustrate this point in relation to three areas of policy: that concerning the recent reforms of FIMCLA, the rollout of AgriInvest, and recent developments related to Farm Credit Canada.
Canadian Central considers the recent proposed reforms of FIMCLA, found in Bill C-29, to be the outcome of successful dialogue. To elaborate, when the federal government made the announcement that the FIMCLA program was to be cancelled, credit unions and other stakeholders were quite concerned. Canadian Central and other stakeholders immediately began a dialogue with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada about these concerns, and the government quickly reinstated the program and undertook consultations aimed at reforming the legislation.
Through the consultation process, it was suggested that loan guarantee limits be increased, that the program be open to new farmers, and that the program parameters be changed to include increased cooperative eligibility and to assist new farmers and the intergenerational transfers of farms. It was satisfying to see that many of these suggestions were incorporated into Bill C-29.
In our view, this stands as an example of a fruitful consultation that will ultimately benefit all stakeholders. Credit unions were brought in at the front end of the program reform, and to its credit, the government was attentive to the suggestions to strengthen the program.
Unfortunately, similar discussions did not take place as policy was developing in relation to the old Canadian agricultural income stabilization program and the new AgriInvest program. Instead, financial institutions were brought into the dialogue with government as it sought to have aspects of the program delivered by financial institutions. This made for some difficult discussions and delayed the rollout of the programs as issues requiring attention were identified.
Finally, we would like to conclude with some observations about policy development as it relates to Farm Credit Canada.
Since Farm Credit Canada had its lending mandate expanded in 2001, credit unions have become increasingly concerned about the growing presence of FCC in agriculture lending and the rapid manner in which the FCC is increasing its market share. In fact, credit unions would readily admit that the strongest competition faced by credit unions in the agriculture market comes from Farm Credit Canada.
To illustrate, excluding Quebec market share numbers for comparative purposes, federal government agencies, specifically Farm Credit Canada, held 28.2% of the farm debt outstanding in 2008. In 1993, this number was around 9.5%. This number has been consistently growing over the years. In fact, over the last 15 years, the average annual growth rate has been 10.8%.
Today we have a situation in which smaller local community-based credit unions have to compete for producer business with a large crown financial institution that is able to source funds at lower rates because of government backing, and seemingly with underwriting criteria that are often more liberal than credit unions can comfortably accept. In some areas, continued competition from the FCC puts into question the future of credit unions in some communities.
To be clear, our concern is not with competition. Credit unions face competition from the banking sector every day. We welcome it and we manage to do quite well.
In our view, it is doubtful that the government envisioned this as its preferred policy outcome or that it knowingly tilted the playing field in favour of the FCC when drafting reforms to the FCC's legislation. However, there was little or no consultation with the credit union system or other financial institutions in the period preceding the reforms, and the parliamentary process associated with the passage of the bill was severely truncated.
It is our view that such an outcome could have been avoided if the Government of Canada had entered into a dialogue with financial institutions at an early date about potential reforms to the FCC Act. This could have been an opportunity to explore ways in which the FCC, credit unions, and other financial institutions could complement one another with their strengths and help serve producers in a mutually beneficial way. Unfortunately that opportunity was missed. Of course, it's an issue that will be taken up with government down the road. However, we include it to illustrate the need for closer dialogue as policy is being developed.
To conclude, we wish to thank you for the opportunity to appear before this committee. We look forward to answering any questions you may have.