Our time has expired.
There was a request at the start, if you remember, to save a few minutes to discuss some business. Our next witnesses are scheduled for five o'clock. I would suggest that we release our witnesses, go right on to committee business, and be ready to go as close to five o'clock as we can. So we'll do that.
I'd like very much to thank our witnesses, all of you who are here in person and those who are here by video. It was great to have all of you here from Charlottetown.
Thanks very much. I'm sure that everybody found it very educational.
We'll move to committee business.
We have an order of sequence, which is the order in which they came in. I'm open to how you want to proceed.
I believe that the first motion on the schedule to be dealt with is Mr. Shipley's. I think the next one is....
My apologies. It is Mr. Atamanenko's, which deals with AgriFlex, then Mr. Shipley's, then Mr. Bellavance's, I believe.
No, it's Mr. Easter, then Mr. Bellavance, then Mr. Atamanenko.
How do you want to proceed?