Now, to a certain degree we face a challenge here. There's a certain degree of impotence, I think, that this committee suffers from because we're involved in a long-term investigation right now. Pierre, you spoke of some good ideas, opening up trade with other countries, that kind of thing, which is longer term, but what I'm hearing is that there's a need in the short term right now or it will be a complete collapse of this industry.
I'm going to challenge this committee to get together at some point in the very near future to sit down and make some short-term recommendations that we might take to the minister and say, “Look, there's an obvious need here.” I challenge any of us to sit here and not acknowledge this immediate need. We can give her all of the expressions of compassion that we want, but unless we respond to it immediately, all those expressions are, frankly, meaningless.
Jurgen, this is my question. What other short-term measures do you think might be undertaken, apart from fixing the anomaly with the APP and the HILLRP and all the other anomaly programs that are out there, and perhaps the other suggestion of enforcing bilingualism in anything that comes into the country? Can you think of any other solutions that we ought to bring to the minister?