Thanks to all of you for being here. I don't think we've really had a very thorough debate on the effect of GM foods in Canada, and I think it's time this happened. Hopefully this committee will initiate that and this will be part of that whole process.
For the information of committee members, there is a meeting this evening at seven o'clock at Saint Paul University dealing with SmartStax corn, entitled “Canada's lack of assessment for Monsanto's SmartStax GM corn”, if anybody's interested.
It seems to me there are arguments for and against. I could summarize it with a paragraph from an article by a fellow by the name of Don Lotter. It's called “The Genetic Engineering of Food and the Failure of Science”. He says:
A major conflict over this issue has developed. On one side are scientists, universities and corporations who have invested nearly 25 years and tens of billions of dollars in the genetic engineering of crop plants. On the other side is a flood of evidence that the process of food plant transgenics (genetic engineering) is deeply and fatally flawed and has been resting on a theoretical foundation that has crumbled away as the science of genetics reinvents itself.
One of the points he's making is that there's a whole idea of genomic disruption. There are genetic and protein integrity problems arising from crop transgenics. If I try to get it down to my level of understanding, this means there are health problems. There are studies that have been found throughout the world. For example, in the 1990s, one of Europe's genetic engineers found that genetic engineering of potatoes caused health problems in rats. I met with Professor Séralini from France a couple of years ago, who said that he had done studies that showed liver problems in animals. Often, GE foods were released in the environment within four months of testing, and we didn't really know the effects.
I'll stop there, but it seems to me that we haven't really used the precautionary principle in looking at the health aspects. Could I ask you to comment on this?