Thanks for the invitation.
I'll tell you just a little bit about me. I work with pulse crops. I grew up in Ontario. I've been living with plants since I was born. My dad was a Dutch immigrant with a greenhouse business, so I've been working since I was two. That's the way it is in Dutch families.
When I came to Saskatoon, we started from scratch. I don't have much to say about the federal research system, because I haven't been involved in it. My career has been in partnership with the provincial government, with farmers, and basically with those of us at the university. We started in a very small way. We had maybe 30,000 acres, and we're at about seven million now. I can honestly say that what Albert Einstein said was correct in our case. He said that if you know what you're doing, it isn't research. We started off not knowing anything, and that's real research.
I'm going to go through my list of 10 comments. They all start with the letter “b”.
The first one is biology. One of the fundamental things that made us successful was that right from the beginning we understood that without knowing the biology of what we were working with, we couldn't understand the economy. In our case, with pulse crops one of the fundamental things was that seed cost was very high for a crop that's more risky to grow. We changed the economic model. Instead of trying to produce seed companies that would charge royalties and pass those on to farmers, we said, “Let's do it the other way. Let's have a check-off at the end, so that farmers finance the research.” It's only a four-month delay, but it's the same price, and at least then the farmer didn't have to take the risk of putting seed in the ground that didn't grow. That became fundamental to us--gaining the confidence of farmers.
The pulse thing is pretty interesting, because Canada really was one of the last places on earth to discover that you actually need legumes in your agricultural system. We were under ice 10,000 years ago, so maybe that has something to do with it, but we didn't understand that. Almost everywhere else in the world, they do that.
Understanding biology is fundamental. It's a tough challenge. My estimate is that only 20% of high school students ever take a course in biology, and forget reading labels. Most people don't understand what the labels on our food say. I think 20% understand labels. It might be related to that high school thing.
Second is biotechnology. I've heard this term misused throughout my whole career. I know there's a narrow definition that may be your focus here--transgenics--but those who are in the business of plant science think of it as an ever-expanding toolbox, and even what we call transgenics may be superseded by genomics. That's our hope in the small-crop world, because we can't afford transgenics anyway. We never bothered with them, because we couldn't afford them. Maybe with genomic information we will actually be able to do it better, more cheaply, and more precisely. That's what we're counting on.
That toolbox is full of new things and old things. We still use some old technologies that are, as I call them, biological technologies. We're still using something as old as grafting. Why not? They're good technologies, and we shouldn't restrict what we're trying to do. Let's keep in mind that maybe even the transgenic approach is not going to last. We don't know.
The third point is biodiversity. In biological terms, this means retaining as much as we can of the vestiges of our ecosystem. Let's keep it diverse. That's actually the most productive system. The more we can introduce that into the system, the better off we will be. In economic terms, we would call it diversification of your portfolio.
I'm trying to forge this link between biology and the economy in your minds, so that you can have some discussion about it. Everybody puts “bio” in front of everything these days. You can find shoes with “bio” at the beginning. I know you can find yogourt. To an extent, we've lost our whole word there.
However, I would say that biodiversification is what's happening in a place like Saskatchewan. It's harmonization of biodiversity and economics. We're trying to produce more types of lentils, not fewer. We use the car model as our example. There are many more kinds of cars today than there were when I was a kid.
Today there are four million acres of summerfallow. In 1970 there were 24 million, and there are only 44 million acres of cropland, so it's pretty incredible. Since then, we've had an additional 20 million acres of crops. Those 20 million acres in 1970 were mostly cereals.
In those days we had almost three million acres of canola. Since then canola has increased by about 4.5 million acres. Pulse has increased from zero to seven million acres. This is without the addition of transgenic technology; what we really did was harness the economy to the diversity out there and to farmers' needs.
This is happening across the country. In 1970 there were 300,000 acres of soybeans, no lentils, and no peas. Now we have about 7.5 million acres of each of those three. It's a pretty good story in Canada.
That's my “bullish” trend. That's the fifth “b”.
The sixth one is the breadbasket. I grew up with the concept that Canada was the breadbasket of the world--it was the sort of thing you saw in magazines--but in fact we produce between 3% and 5% of the world's wheat and barley and less than 2% of the corn and soybeans, and in all cases we produce less of the global share than we did in 1970.
Are we falling behind, or what are we doing? It's hard to say, but we do produce 30% of the world's peas and 45% of the world's lentils. They're not huge crops on a global scale, but they are growing in consumption faster than human population growth, so the consumers are telling us something: that we shouldn't be afraid of changing our crop base, and that they like what we produce. We're obviously the world's largest producer and exporter.
The seventh point under the “b” is bigger genetic gains. This is the real goal of genetic improvement of grain crops. We need higher yield and we need to accumulate the genes that give us the combinations that make us more productive. Without genetic gain occurring at rates above human population growth, food costs are going to rise. We're witnessing this scenario on a global scale, and I would make the argument that in the case of ethanol, biofuel policies may be adding fuel to that fire. I'm sorry for the bad joke.
Our customers are countries with large, growing populations. In most of our customer base, 60% of the population is under 30 years of age, so the impact is going to continue. They're going to live longer and they're going to eat longer, and the rate is accelerating.
The eighth point is on biofortification and beyond. This is the genetic improvement component, with the goal of improving the nutritional quality of our basic foods. We're trying to do this at an international level. It is conceptually simple, but it's going to require a big change in the way we do plant breeding. We're going to need new biological technologies, and I don't think we're going to be able to take the simple solution of transgenics. Moving one gene in and changing things is not going to work. This is a more complex issue, yet we're probably on the cusp of being able to do that. We think this is really going to help the small crops, and that's going to allow us to harness biodiversity, so that's a focal area where there could be some investment. That's going to improve nutrition, yield, nitrogen fixation, and all the things that go back to that basic principle of understanding the link between biology and economy. Let's be focused here on the long run.
The ninth point is on bits and bites of nutrition.
Human health is obviously linked to nutritional status. This goes into our biofortification discussion. We see two billion people on this planet who don't have enough iron in their diets and who have an inadequate supply of nutritious basic foods. Where we do have enough food, we're also malnourished because we don't know how to eat anymore.
The people who are involved in agriculture need to get their heads around the fact that we need to educate people. We need to educate kids, because right now the kids in school have parents who do not know anything about nutrition, don't know anything about agriculture, and don't know anything about food. Food is what you buy at a store or at a restaurant.
We're starting to see big changes in our health care costs. They're going to accelerate due to poor nutrition. Maybe the Department of Agriculture could take a lead in focusing on educating people about their food. You might find that it relates back to the whole business of biology and economy. If you don't understand what's keeping you alive, you're not going to understand the economics around it. Health care is definitely related to what we're going to see in the future.
My last point deals with barriers to innovation. I would say that fully understanding what I said about biology will provide excellent guidance on this front. We have a lot of regulatory scenarios that really are barriers to genetic gain. They are positions that people have taken through the regulatory system and they have influence. We have rules regarding barriers to innovation that are 20 years old, and they need to be revisited.
I'm specifically referring to the issue of plants with novel traits. We regulate all innovation in Canada as though they were GMOs. How stupid is that? That's like tying your shoelaces together and saying you're going to go on a run. It doesn't make sense.
Many of the technologies that non-GMO people are using are age-old technologies that were used by agriculture 6,000 years ago. We can use information, we can use knowledge, and we can train people to use simple DNA analysis to make the gains. Why don't we focus there? Then we could skirt this whole issue.
As I said, I think possibly transgenics will be an ephemeral technology in the world of plants. In the world of pulses, we deliberately did not use transgenics, because it was already causing a lot of ripples in the marketplace, particularly in our customer base. We ship wheat to only 25 countries, but we ship pulses to 140. How are we going to figure that one out? It's very complex if you do it, so our choice was to remain uninvolved in it.
Those are my comments.