Mr. Wartman, you made a comment in reference to the BSE, and being a cattle farmer, I know all about that. You talk about research and making sure that we're on the top on that game, and I agree 100%. There were some other factors that came in maybe a little after BSE, and one was the dollar. That's one thing that we can never control, whether we're doing the right thing in research or whatever. The bottom line was that BSE came at a time when we'd been increasing our herd size, the same as the pork industry did for years.
It really isn't a question. I just want to point out that other factors contributed to that. That was really all that I wanted there, but there's no doubt in my mind, whether it's in breeding genetics in livestock or what we feed them, that we certainly need that research and development in there, and I support that.
One of my questions comes from a lot of people, especially organic farmers in my riding. As a farmer I totally understand why we need, say, Roundup Ready corn, soybeans, wheat, or whatever it is. I have to be honest that one thing that I've never really been able to get my head around, and one that the nay-sayers to the biotechnology industry and GMOs in general use, is Roundup Ready alfalfa. Can somebody tell me why Roundup Ready alfalfa is needed or required or an advantage?
Can anybody speak to that? I think we all need to be able to address that question; I know I do.