Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I'd like to begin by offering some explanation of my background. You'll recognize from the accent that I'm not a native son of Canada, although I'm working on it. I'm a scientist whose research is focused on improving crop productivity. I moved from the U.K. to Canada in 2002 to take up my present post as dean of the College of Biological Science at the University of Guelph.
It's the role of scientists like myself not only to develop the opportunities for improving food security and the quality of life for ourselves and others, but to do so in a way that is sustainable. I would hope, therefore, that you would regard me as someone who is trying to assess the facts from an objective standpoint, with no political or financial axe to grind. I should add that I have no funding from biotech companies.
As you know, from where I am, the reaction in Europe to GM technology has been much more negative than in North America, and its commercial and agricultural use as applied to crops has been extremely limited. By contrast, GM crops are widely grown in the U.S. and Canada.
I thought it might be useful to offer as part of my presentation my views on why it is the reaction to GM crops has been so different, particularly in the U.K., from where much of the negative reaction emanated early on. While there during the 1990s and early 2000s, I took part in many public debates and discussions and have some first-hand experience of the nature of the debate.
In my view, the heated debate about the acceptance of GMOs in Europe has been largely that. It created a lot of heat but very little light, largely because of the way in which issues were portrayed in the media and by the various protagonists. The use of emotive terms such as “Frankenstein foods” conjures up images that are themselves based in the world of fantasy. The attempt to reduce complex issues to a 30-second sound bite or a one-line quotation in a newspaper article does no service to either side of the argument on what is already, on a global scale, a widespread phenomenon.
Almost all of the global biotech crop area derives from soya beans, corn, cotton, and canola, which in 2008 approximately accounted for 115 million hectares. Biotech traits accounted for 37% of all the global plantings of those crops. GMs have been adopted by the U.S.A., Canada, China, South Africa, and much of South America, including Brazil, so the European position seems to be out of step and has also presented trade barriers, which arguably could affect Canadian farmers as well as those in developing countries who depend on exports to Europe.
Why is it that Europe became so suddenly opposed to this technology? One reason, I believe, is that it actually became an issue after the BSE debacle in the U.K., and the general public was highly sensitized to what they perceived as the failure of agriculture. In fact, at the time when it became a major issue in the late 1990s, GM products were already on the shelves of U.K. supermarkets and had been for a couple of years, but subsequently had to be withdrawn. There was then one scientific paper, which has never been validated, which produced a health scare. Prince Charles got involved, and the rest, as they say, is history.
What do we mean by genetic modification? This is about changing the genetic makeup of organisms, particularly in crop plants but also in livestock. This is, in fact, what breeders in agriculture have been doing for decades, if not longer, including, I might add, exchanging genetic information between species that do not hybridize or cross-pollinate in the natural environment. I'm not talking about GM technology at that point.
Agriculture, by definition, is not natural. The global population relies for its daily food primarily on only 15 plant and 7 animal species. Whether you believe that is a good thing or not, it is a fact. In the last 50 to 60 years, thousands of genes have been transferred into crops from species with which they are not compatible in the wild, most of which genes we know nothing about. Let me emphasize again: I am not describing GM technologies here. Triticale, which is the forage grown in Europe, is a good example of this. It's a cross between wheat and rye.
Therefore, if you take a fundamentalist view that moving genes across natural selection barriers is unacceptable, you should be aware that much of what we already eat has arrived on our plates by exactly that route because of the way these previous and still used methods work. The transfer of the desirable handful of genes that might, for example, confer resistance to a crop disease is often accompanied by the uncontrolled transfer of perhaps even 1,000 genes about which we know nothing.
Yet this relatively uncontrolled process has helped ensure a supply of nutritious food that most of us now take for granted. But rest assured, it has been a relatively haphazard, uncontrolled method of genetic modification, which has also included the use of potent mutagens and teratogens, which cause birth defects, in order to increase the number of chromosomes and produce desirable mutations.
Now, you can imagine that the media and press could have a feeding frenzy on the words I've just used. Just imagine the headlines: “Genes Cross Species Barriers”; “Teratogens Used In Crop Production: 'It's unnatural,' says boffin.”
Taken out of context, I have to tell you that all those things are true. Golden Promise, for example, is a widely grown cultivar of barley that is also grown by organic farmers. In fact, it's a mutant that was produced through irradiating barley with x-rays, causing all sorts of chromosome rearrangements—in fact, to get desirable properties for the whisky-making industry.
The point I'm trying to stress is that plant breeding of food production has always involved genetic modification and exchange of genetic information, and a lot of it has involved unnatural methods, even prior to GM. But headlines like the ones I've just made up could have put a stop to the last 60 years of progress before it had even started. My contention is that much of the debate has been distorted by sensationalist headlines that do no good to either side of the argument.
Neither is GM a panacea to solve the problems of food security and global hunger, but it is, I contend, another powerful tool in the armoury. Recently, Sir John Beddington, the U.K. government's chief scientific officer, wrote:
There will be no silver bullet, but it is very hard to see how it would be remotely sensible to justify not using technologies such as GM.... No single approach would guarantee food security.
So what do we mean by GM in the context of the current use of the term? It involves the transfer of either a single gene or a chosen small number of genes from one species to another, or the modification of a gene that already exists within the plant. In terms of the technology—that is, the way we can achieve the particular genetic modification—the major difference between GM technology and what I discussed earlier is that GM is arguably more precise. It is, for instance, the incorporation of a single known gene into a background of, say, 30,000 genes and is traceable. Contrast this with what I described a few moments ago, whereby thousands of unknown extra genes may be incorporated as well as the ones you want.
So what can you do with GM technology, and what is likely to be the impact of such changes on the food chain and environment? Well, the examples I'm sure we all know most about involve putting in single genes that confer either herbicide tolerance or pest resistance. These are usually derived from micro-organisms.
The most important factors that can devastate crop yields are weeds, pathogens, and insect pests. How do we control these? Well, the bulk of what we've done is spray and pray, using masses of herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides, about which people understandably have reservations. The pro-GM lobby claims that they're better for the environment because they'll reduce chemical inputs; the anti-GM lobby says they will be worse. So what's the evidence? Well, the answer is, unfortunately, that both sides tend to use and misuse data accordingly. But what is indisputable, as an example, is that the use of GM cotton in Australia saved the cotton industry, which was on the verge of being eradicated because of the use of large amounts of pesticide. Similarly, in Canada there have been reductions on GM maize of about two-thirds of pesticide use. Dr. Van Acker will be able to talk more knowledgeably about herbicide tolerance.
Europe has started to change. There are now GM potatoes, which will be grown in Germany, Sweden, and the Czech Republic, and GM maize, which is grown in Spain and Portugal with the approval of the EU. Ireland has just approved GM maize in foods and feedstocks, and perhaps most significant of all, this week the EU Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, with the backing of governments, including that of the U.K., has voted in favour of import of animal feed containing unauthorized traces of GM crops. So the regulatory landscape is changing in Europe. I have little doubt that more will follow.
Jonathan Swift—and I hesitated before introducing this quote, but I will finish on it—wrote in Gulliver's Travels that if a man can make “two blades of grass to grow...where only one grew before”, he will have done more for mankind, and I hesitate here, “than the whole race of politicians put together”.
That is an interesting challenge for all of us in this room.